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Lid Quotations

Lid quotations. Find, read, and share Lid quotations. These are the best examples of Lid quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left She went in there to muse on being rid Of relative beneath the coffin lid. No one was by. She stuck her tongue out; slid. Quote Right
Quote Left A beggar had been sitting by the side of the road for over thirty years. One day a stranger walked by. Spare some change? mumbled the beggar, mechanically holding out his baseball cap. I have nothing to give you, said the stranger. Then he added, What's that you are sitting on? Nothing, replied the beggar, Just an old box. I have been sitting on it for as long as I can remember. Ever look inside? asked the stranger. What's the point? There's nothing in there. Have a look inside, insisted the stranger. The beggar managed to pry open the lid. With astonishment, disbelief, and elation, he saw the box was filled with gold. Quote Right
Quote Left Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later... that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. Quote Right
Quote Left It's been said that Bill Gates has come up with something that'll be released in December that's gonna put a lid on counterfeiting. If that's a fact then it's really interesting to own your own product - with all the potential methods of downloading. Quote Right
Quote Left The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none. Recognizing our limitations and imperfections is the first requisite of progress. Those who believe they have arrived believe they have nowhere to go. Some not only have closed their minds to new truth, but they sit on the lid. Quote Right
Quote Left We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it - and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again -- and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore. Quote Right
Quote Left We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it--and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit on a hot stove lid again--and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore. Quote Right
Quote Left We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it - and stop there lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again - and that is well but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Lid

Quote Left Discontentment is a disease. There's no way to quench unreasonable desires. The only way out is introspection. Discontentment is oozed out of irrational heart and introspection is the book owned by the brain. The fact remains, stepping out of comfort zone though levitates us yet we prefer to slide through the slides inside the heart Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing in nature in Euclidean Quote Right
Quote Left "you wanna know what feels good about the holidays now? my happiness doesn't get taken from me after the break" Quote Right
Quote Left Phichali wali ramayan Mai vanar mere lanka thera door ram naam se kiye par abhi jananu na January June ley chaley patal.chopies Aghori mhabharamnad Jan janam Feb javani March Monday April startday May Monday June Shani var July holiday August Muni eklavya vanvar September month mouth shut Otuber old Navmber ready to pack Shani varkana December cold death Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Lawyers are solidiers with guns inform of court files , court is their battlefield Quote Right
Quote Left "If I am disgust for being a lazy in solid works, I am be loved for being a hardworker in soft works. The solid works can be benefited by very few people within some countable moments, while the works of pen and brush (soft works) can be benefited by all and the coming generations. So every da Vinci has his own brush to paint his own Lisa." Quote Right
Quote Left The vast majority of us were raised to believe in some type of a greater good ; whether that being God, or any other faith to follow. Yet it seems the differences would ultimately lead to conflict, where the strength of fellowship would reach out with an overpowering embrace. This consolidation then leads to eventual dilation, where outlying extremes ferment towards a secular brew. Quote Right
Quote Left About the "Good Day" national holiday: "Now is the time. We do not really know if we have one day more." from the poem "Good Day" by Max Burchett. Quote Right
Quote Left Trust the fall yet be sure that you will catch you. Glide along with the wind yet be sure that you will swoop down when you desire. Quote Right
Quote Left When great minds collides A new generation is born. Quote Right
Quote Left I personally didn't found yet a place to call home, maybe it never existed, maybe it's in my mind, cause' usually is where i feel more safe when there's no possibility to dream. It's an holiday for free. Quote Right
Quote Left As springs’ budding blossoms emerge the raptors glide mercilessly. I wrote this haiku-like poem on 3-27-2023 after the Nashville Covenant school shooting massacre. — Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left I cannot imagine a heaven without solid substance, entirely alienated from the tactile joys we share here on earth. Quote Right
Quote Left Rhymes are just grease. Mental lubrication to let words slide by... Quote Right
Quote Left Dreamers think success is a one hit wonder; successful people know success is built one step at a time many times over. Building a solid foundation ultimately creates more future successes. – Andreas Simic Quote Right
Quote Left i slid itno the space, that lies between your tunes and rhythm, to rejoice in the melodic destruction, of my soul Quote Right
Quote Left Peer zafar shah do you remember sho khalid dasti. Quote Right
Quote Left If you should find yourself at rock bottom don't give up. For there's no better place to rebuild,than on a solid foundation. Quote Right
Quote Left Since I first set my lips to your full cup, Since my pallid face first nested in your hands, Since I sensed your soul and every bloom lit up— Till those rare perfumes were lost to deepening sands... ("Love Stronger than Time' by Victor Hugo, loose translation by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Death glides in on calico wings, a breath of a moth seeking a companionable light, where it hovers, unsure, sullen, shy or demure, in the margins of night, a soft blur... ('Fascination with Light' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left For a very long time I thought my joy depends on people For a very long time I thought I needed validation for my own decisions For a very long time I thought my peace is in the hands of others For a very long time I thought I have to make efforts to be loved and accepted For a very long time My inner me was patiently waiting for me To choose me Quote Right
Quote Left -Solidarity, learn from yesterday ... live for today - Anne-Lise Andresen Quote Right
Quote Left Permit yourself to feel your feelings. Instead of trying to avoid difficult emotions, permit yourself to handle them. These feelings are accurate, valid, and meaningful. They can provide information and help you see things about a situation you need to change. Quote Right
Quote Left Fazer sempre mais e mais é a força motriz de produção e resultados. É o recurso humano mais importante de todos. Ao se fazer de tudo mais e mais se cria o progresso e a prosperidade. A noticia boa é que fazer mais e mais é um talento que se aprende. E se começa a fazer mais e mais ao adicionar força às suas habilidades naturais, o que melhora o trabalho em equipe, a produtividade e, quando apropriado, os lucros. Quote Right
Quote Left O conceito impresso na palavra moralidade é sempre mais elevado do que a lei e os direitos à vida própria, a vida dos semelhantes e ao trabalho. Nunca se pode – no mínimo se deve – esquecer isso nunca. Os mesmos velhos sentimentos de homem das cavernas - ganância, sonhos de poder, inveja, violência e ódio mútuo, que assumiram pseudônimos respeitáveis como tudo para salvar vidas, luta racial, luta de massas, luta sindical – vão continuar a despedaçar o mundo da Pós-Pandemia. Quote Right
Quote Left Idéias sobre vida e negócios que transforma o mundo para melhor sempre surgem da possibilidade de expressar mais do que ideias corretas, mas também ideias duvidosas. Se eu fosse chamada a identificar brevemente o traço principal de todo o período de duração da Pandemia eu nunca encontraria encontrar nada mais preciso e conciso do que repetir mais uma vez: as pessoas esqueceram de que a beleza é feita da dualidade entre o branco e o escuro a idéia correta e aquela duvidosa. Quote Right
Quote Left Muito do que dizemos e fazemos nunca será útil ou se tornara essencial. Àquela pessoa que consegue eliminar o que nunca será essência terá mais tempo e mais tranquilidade para ser feliz. Então, para ser feliz, pergunte-se a cada momento: 'Isso que estou a fazer é útil, é necessário? Faça o esforço de acordo com a sua resposta. Quote Right
Quote Left As teorias de vida e para os negócios são padrões sem valor. O que conta é a ação. Desde sempre é assim. Para o êxito contínuo é preciso criar como um deus, liderar com bondade e compaixão e trabalhar como um escravo. Quote Right
Quote Left Neste momento, um momento de tempo está passando! Capture sua realidade no seu trabalho e na vida! Tire tudo o mais do pensamento. Torne-se o próprio momento. Transforme-se numa placa de registro sensível e dê uma imagem ao momento. É assim que fica pronta para fazer de tudo mais e mais Quote Right
Quote Left Dê ao seu dia 30 horas. Muito do que dizemos e fazemos nunca é essencial. Quando você elimina o disperso, automaticamente terá mais tempo e mais tranquilidade. Confira sempre, a cada instante se aquilo que está a fazer é competência e habilidade “só sua”. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs