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Best Poems Written by Hassan Abdussalam

Below are the all-time best Hassan Abdussalam poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Mistake

I was too quick to trust her
Her eyes, her lips, her humility and 
Conviction was all I could gave in to.
Plethora of confidence I have built 
upon her in a jiffy
Like an edifice built upon a solitary 
island amidst vast oasis

She chimed my mind, and 
thoughtless I became
I became vanquished of my 
My assets, my accomplishments,
My most esteemed skill was hauled 
out of me
A daring mistake worthy of my life

Her everything was like my dream
A dream I have kept and matched 
for one being
I peered into her to see blemishes 
Of actions and intentions,
Like steel, I believed my sight 
without a scintilla of doubt

I paced when I lacked her 
Her complexion was my dream hue
I gave her everything, not even a few
I was made to bank on her with my 
limited wealth
My asset, my valued writings… my 

My mistake was irreversible 
And her betrayal was irredeemable 
My tears have become irrevocable
My pestilence incurable
And the incorrigible fate bonded my 

I thrust my debut into a strange hand
And beleaguered are my worries 
To my face she waved an eternal 
A nude message I could not fathom
My pain grew and my anger brewed

This is my mistake for lewd 
She was careless, heartless and 
My assets could make me a shrewd 
Yet my hollow thoughts are making 
me brood
My mistakes have me nude and 

Copyright © Hassan Abdussalam | Year Posted 2013

Details | Hassan Abdussalam Poem

From Letters To Words

As the day dusked yesterday,
The deflowered sun shone down 
with those eyes of a goldfish

'KATH’, got a light; 'EER’ lit a room;
And ‘AH’ illumined the night

No sound of a thing in your presence.
No bullet whirr, no horn blares 
Not even the tick tock of the clock.

And thoughts of how good it is
To smell life and to sniff an ambush 
on a friend 
Newly met under an unsolicited 
climate, crowned it all. 
As bloated black eyes remained 
promptly nudging on her fancy face
The blink of her eyes lasted on her 
glance like a mirror

Reflecting how lucky Africa could be
To breathe this crevice of word out 
in an ancient city
For pleasure, treasure and tender…
And how good it is to every ear…

Those cheeks in the dark that 
dazzled joy and sorrow betwixt… 
 Is these all a happenstance…? I felt 
the drip! Drip!! Drip!!!
Of the succulent drizzling rain, whilst 
seated under the shade of the home 
of sanctity

And the thought that someone has 
to helm the hound of your name for 
real, dawned on me. At night I 
dreamt without sleeping; sleepless 
thoughts of insomnia ravaged me, 
yet my intellect hatched; and 
became a slither of beauties of 
mangoes, pineapples and roses 
likened to you.

Yet how good to prick the secret fruit 
to speak and felt her cajoling voice. 
In my muffled thoughts, I slew my 
intentions in cold blood and rolled 
the inconveniences of those 
moments in a raffia mat and hid 
them in a secret blanket.

The cool weather speaks gale and 
blew its wind from the north. I 
shivered beneath my ribs, yet 
unnoticed to her. I stood and smiled 
in espionage and intrigue. 
Whilst enduring the stark misery of 
the chilled weather. It was over and 
out, yet her name blots my thoughts 
until cock crow…

Copyright © Hassan Abdussalam | Year Posted 2013

Details | Hassan Abdussalam Poem

My Heart Speaks

I am a palatial home mooning 
over you
I'm built with gems from Egypt
To be dwelled by you --- Love 
On my walls are your effigy, 
With an effective Bienvenue 
inscribed as u reappeared.
You are revered an emblem of 
peace in me,
Build in me blue turqoise, emerald 
green, topaz, medallion...
Spatter your tears on me to 
ressurrect my verdant desire
Doting on your absence.
Unbreakable I will remain for you, 
until ur return from exile.
Unfissured I exist for you,
Inhabit me,
Rift your way into me.
Lest stillborn I am, infuse me with 
I cherish your bright ingress into 
me even when my eyes see u not.
Splinter me into a thousand pieces, 
yet  immortal I yearn.
For you I live on...
The breath of my life... LOVE YOU

Copyright © Hassan Abdussalam | Year Posted 2013

Book: Shattered Sighs