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Best Poems Written by John Ginesi

Below are the all-time best John Ginesi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Governments seem here to stay
With the public's money they waste away
On useless things that do the people no good
Get rid of governments I think we should.

We work and toil on our lands
While they take our money from our hands
A land of opportunity for some
A worker's work is never fun.

We try to build our homes to live
While governments drain us like a sieve
Debt they seem to pile up instead
With financial problems over our heads.

Our governments should look after us
Instead they treat us with disgust
Why do we have to put up with them
Those governments created by men.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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The Automobile Mechanic

The Automobile Mechanic

The automobile mechanic was originally
a car owner who carried out his own repairs
during the turn of the 19th Century.
These days, it is a person who endeavours to fix
the car problems of the everyday motorist
he is part engineer, detective, and miracle worker
all rolled into one, when the motorist expects their car
virtually fixed at a moment's notice.
He is truly a modern day unsung hero to most
who keep their car in tip top condition
although the mechanic seldom gets
the credit that he or she rightly deserves.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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Ode To a Policeman

Ode To A Policeman

The policeman is the strongest man in the world
As he can hold up all the traffic with just one hand
But there is a serious side to the policeman,
A protector of the innocent, a man who will risk his life
For anyone, no matter what walk of life,
Fearless of the ever present danger surrounding him,
He is often shunned by the public,
Underestimated by criminals and accused of corruption,
But is never given the credit he rightly deserves.
People should take a better view about this unsung hero
Of our times, the policeman.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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The Fairground

The Fairground
I remember the fairground when I was a child, there
was the candy Fairy Floss machines, and you could 
See them spinning the spider webs of sugar which 
Made up the sweet delight, that children loved to eat
Then There was Sideshow Alleys with its clown stall 
With the moving heads and popping the balls into it's 
Mouth, there was the shooting galleries and penny 
Toss events and many other things to play, there was a 
Ghost Train and the Dodgem Cars and Boats, where 
Bumping deliberately was not allowed, the Penny Arcade 
With Pinball games and the Claw Crane  where you tried 
To grab a prize If you where lucky, penny slots which 
Could give you a free ball and your penny back by flicking
A lever, and now the main events, the Big Dipper or
Roller Coaster, it would leave you going back for your
Stomach, the large Slippery Dips, Hall of Mirrors and
The Tunnel of Love river caves, Ferris Wheel and the
Helter Skelter where you rode down a spiral on a mat 
But the one thing that stands out in the Fairground 
Was the giant Carousel, a beautiful hand crafted 
Turntable loaded with beautifully crafted wooden
Horses, which where all hand painted, children would
Always want to ride this iconic ride and if you where
Able to grab the brass ring, you would get another
Ride absolutely free, yes the Fairground was an event
In itself, as children would always want to go there
All of the time and even the adults would ask  their
Children to go, because inside every adult lived 
Another little child, they all loved the Fairground.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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The Olympic Medal

The Olympic Medal

To be given a gold medal
You have to win the gold medal
To take drugs and cheat
Is winning without merit
To dishonour the olympics
Is to dishonour Yourself.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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The Magic Wand

The Magic Wand
Magicians around the world rely on their
magic wand, it is their main tool in their
trade, it creates the illusion of making
magic believable, it has the ability to 
trick your senses into believing the 
magician, when he has your full attention
he works his magic and makes everyone
shocked in amazement, magic wands
are not always used by magicians as in
the storybook story of 'Cinderella' it was
used by the Fairy Godmother to change
'Cinderella' into a princess while turning
a pumpkin into a beautiful coach with
white horses to take Cinderella to the ball.
The magic wand is nothing more than a
painted stick of wood, but when painted it is 
transformed into a wonderful magic wand. 

Written : 13th July 2013
A simple story of a wooden stick that when 
painted becomes a magical tool for magicians 
and fairies in fairy stories.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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Christmas : Santa Versus Jesus

CHRISTMAS - Santa Versus Jesus
The 25th of December is the day of Christmas
were we all celebrate the coming of Jesus
yet we represent that day with a roly poly little man
called Santa Claus, why do we do this ?
why is Sant Claus sitting in department stores
amusing children and spreading the Christmas spirit to all,
while the birth of Jesus Christ is forgotten as if he 
had never been born, the Bible has always been
a respected book and Christmas is a sacred day to all,
yet we give Santa carte blance over Jesus, I feel
there needs to be change as Jesus is the religious reason 
that Christmas is being celebrated, while a pretender has
virtually taken his throne, I feel Santa Claus and Christmas 
Trees should be replace by Mangers and Jesus, to
commemorate his birth and what he eventually did to save
man from his sins, I am not a religious man but do believe
religion should replace commercial venture and Santa Claus
should be replaced by Jesus, as he is the true King of Christmas.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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The Mighty Atom

The Mighty Atom
In the early 1900's Madame Curie, discovered radium 
for the use in medicines, however through the years
this material was used for destructive purposes, when 
they split the atom in the 1940's in an atomic atom 
smasher. Scientists discovered  a new material called 
Uranium and coupled with Plutonium created a new
energy source which if not controlled properly could 
wipe out all life across the whole planet. Uranium was 
first used in a form of Hydrogen bomb, as  times moved 
on they created an even more destructive device called 
The Atom bomb. In time the atomic bomb was able to 
be dropped from an Air Force bomber, it even ended 
the war with Japan when dropped firstly on Nagasaki 
then later on Hiroshima. When this war ended the 
atom was used in the 1950's for atomic piles, which often 
were difficult to control using control rods for containment.
In later years the atom was used for atomic energy 
power stations for use in electricity, but was subject 
to out of control meltdowns, were uncontrollable 
radiation was scattered for hundreds of miles. After 
all of these pitfalls it is still considered by governments  
to be a safe alterative for clean energy even though 
it has the potential to destroy all life on Earth.
Everyone on this planet are living at risk of extinction
if this mighty atom was to run wild and out of control.

Written : 10th July 2013

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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My Grandfather's Grocer Shop

My Grandfather's Grocer Shop

I was born in Liverpool - England and
I remember back to when I was a child
how I marvelled at the way things were done
in my Grandfather's Grocer shop. in the early 1950s.
I saw him getting a portion of butter and
by using two paddle boards, knock up the butter 
to form a block of butter, then wrap it up in
white shop paper, and then he would go to this 
large bacon slicer which operated by turning 
a huge wheel with a handle, then removing 
the bacon from a butcher's hook and then 
carving large slices of bacon on it, he would then
hand slice the cheese and wrap it by hand 
then give it to the customer, eggs had no cartons 
back then, so they were just put into brown paper bags,
customers would often return over broken eggs
and want replacements, if children came in they 
would spend the pocket money on a bag of broken 
biscuits, straight from the large tins they came in
as there were no packets of biscuits during those 
early years of the 1950s, the shopkeepers would 
often give free samples out to promote new products
as advertising was very rare and visual advertisements
were often seen on counters or on walls, I used to go in
my Grandfather's shop and was given a large peice 
of cheese or some chocolate biscuits as a family gesture.
I watched in amazement as my Grandfather would count 
the days takings out of the old fashion till, he would 
turn a handle and the draw would pop out, it did not even 
have push keys like the more modern cash registers of the 
time, but it was vintage in every way, my Grandfather is 
now gone, his shop has been knocked down for redevelopment 
as many old businesses went the same way but 
I will never forget the wonderful memories of my 
Grandfather's Grocer Shop.

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013

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City of Ice

City Of Ice

The South Pole, is one of the coldest regions in the World
with all the snow and ice. In many places large caverns
and icy glaciers make this resemble another world. large Icicles 
hang down on many of these underground cavern ceilings
looking like an amazing city of ice. The extreme cold prevents  
anyone from living here creating an amazing sight to see.

Written: 9th July 2013

Copyright © John Ginesi | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs