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Best Poems Written by Mari Begonia Cinco

Below are the all-time best Mari Begonia Cinco poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Letter To My Country

A Letter to My Country
From A Foreign Tongue

My beloved country, source of my blood
I have been at fault since my very birth
Forgive my tongue which cannot speak you
For my eyes have seen your worth

My ears have heard your cries of labor
My skin bathes under your sun
For you I will write, for you I will sing
Even if I cannot speak your tongue

“O, beautiful country bathed in light!
“Stars shine on thee for thy might!
“Your children are brave, though naïve
“For thy tears and smile, we shall not be deceived

“So, now fly like the eagle you are
“We are the wind beneath your wings
“Let your banner rise high among us
“And to your anthem, we shall sing!”

My beloved country, I love you I do
Give me patience and your time
To learn your tongue, so unlike mine!
And together, we shall sing of your wonder!

Your foreign tongued daughter

Copyright © Mari Begonia Cinco | Year Posted 2012

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The Passing

Silent, the house is

Still, the creatures are

And yet I hear her

And I see her

There is no light, but she drifts by in a glow
Her hair flows behind, casting shadows on my door
She makes no sound, but I know she's walking
Her feet making imaginary creaks on the floorboards

I am frightened, though she says not to be.

I sometimes look for her, but she finds me instead.
The wind is her arms and her eyes bury into my neck
The quiet fills my ears like thousands of words
Words of reassuring, words of threats

One day, I'll have enough.
One day, I will be gone.
One day, she will pass by and I won't be there.

Copyright © Mari Begonia Cinco | Year Posted 2013

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White Darkness

White Darkness

Here is a world where time stands still
And days are countless, years unreal.
Here is a world of snow and whiteness
Where nothing grows and things are forever.

I look upon a thick white sheet
That neither thickens or thins away.
The air is cold, yet it does not freeze
Ice won’t melt or carry over.

Walk as I may the blanket, no way is clear
The white world is round like your own.
Yet is has no seasons or reason to change
No escape I know of for now.

So things are dark and things are bright
Who said to be blind was sight dimmed?
The whiteness of a world like this
Leaves me breathless, still and done for.

Copyright © Mari Begonia Cinco | Year Posted 2012

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The Things I Could Not Afford

I'm sorry I could not afford
To buy myself a garden gourd
And had to settle for instead
A gourd which was bitter

Nor could I afford a red and blue parrot
Now all I have is a carrot
That's only colors are 
a mean orange and green

And what about the lovely tan sail?
I had to settle for a pail
With holes and leaks galore
And could not hold any water in

Yet I call myself the fortunate man
For all I want I can't have
And it'll be much easier
To leave this world when God calls

Copyright © Mari Begonia Cinco | Year Posted 2012

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What We Got

Note: In lieu of the drug killings here in my country.

 What has our leader brought us?
He made promises
But he demolishes everything
Freedom stood for

Blood is spilled and pours on the floors
Of the nation our founding fathers built

Children are collateral
The poor are like cattle
And his supporters rattle and tattle like
It's a fair-fought battle

Is this what we wanted?
A constitution that talks about rights and justice
But ain't practiced or cared for or trusted?

On your knees! On your knees!
Instead of profit we got more fees
Instead of process, you have to flee
When they give you a gun
And tell you to run
And then you're SHOT.

That's we got, people.
From him, that's what we got.

Copyright © Mari Begonia Cinco | Year Posted 2017

Book: Reflection on the Important Things