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Truth Quotations

Truth quotations. Find, read, and share Truth quotations. These are the best examples of Truth quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Life may change, but it may fly not; Hope may vanish, but can die not; Truth be veiled, but still it burneth; Love repulsed, -- but it returneth. Quote Right
Quote Left For Africa to me is more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth. No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place. Quote Right
Quote Left An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life: A fight is going on inside me, he said to the boy. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,Which wolf will win? The old Cherokee simply replied, The one you feed. Quote Right
Quote Left If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world. It neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius fall under no art; heroic minds come under no rule; a University is not a birthplace of poets or of immortal authors, of founders of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. It does not promise a generation of Aristotles or Newtons, of Napoleons or Washingtons, of Raphaels or Shakespeares, though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts. Nor is it content on the other hand with forming the critic or the experimentalist, the economist or the engineer, though such too it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great ordinary means to an great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration, at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age, at facilitating the exercise of political power, and refining the intercourse of private life. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. Quote Right
Quote Left I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of imagination. What the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth - whether it existed before or not. Quote Right
Quote Left I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affection and the truth of imagination. Quote Right
Quote Left 'And Tomorrow' Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate. Scared of being outkast, afraid of common fate. Today is built on tragedies which no one wants to face. Nightmares to humanity and morally disgraced. Tonight is filled with Rage, violence in the air. Children bred with ruthlessness cause no one at home cares. Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops, knowing that my sanity content when I`m droped. But tomorrow I see change, a chance to build a new, built on spirit intent of heart and ideas based on truth. Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong because of pride. I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive. Quote Right
Quote Left Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' -- that is allYe know on Earth, and all ye need to know. Quote Right
Quote Left The pure, the bright, The beautiful that stirred our hearts in youth, The impulses to wordless prayer, The streams of love and truth, The longing after something lost, The spirit's yearning cry, The striving after better hopes; These things can never die. The timid hand stretched forth to aid a brother in his need, A kindly word in grief's dark hour that proves a friend indeed; The plea for mercy softly breathed, When justice threatens high, The sorrow of a contrite heart; These things shall never die, shall never die. Let nothing pass, For every hand must find some work to do, Lose not a chance to waken love. Be firm and just and true, So shall a light that cannot fade beam on thee from on high, And angel voices say to thee; These things can never die. Quote Right
Quote Left Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old; return to them. Things do not change; we change. The very simplicity and nakedness of man's life in the primitive ages imply this advantage, at least, that they left him still but a sojourner in nature. To be awake is to be alive. Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Every man is a builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man's features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them. Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. Quote Right
Quote Left What the imagination seizes as beauty must be the truth. Quote Right
Quote Left In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth. Quote Right
Quote Left You can find the footprints of God wherever there is beauty, virtue, humility, justice, truth, love and peace. Quote Right
Quote Left I self destruct every relationship so that i don't get hurt... but in truth i just hurt myself worse in the long run.. Quote Right
Quote Left ...I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and to share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain, the inten... Quote Right
Quote Left A truth that's told with bad intent, Beats all the lies you can invent. Quote Right
Quote Left Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all ye know, and all ye need to know. Quote Right
Quote Left Respect human talent, respond to genius, recognize reality, admire truth and beauty, realize the meaning of the rare flower Reason. Quote Right
Quote Left Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kills it. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe in the practice and philosophy of what we have agreed to call magic, and what I must call the evocation of spirits, though I do not know what they are, in the power of creating magic illusions in the visions of truth in the depths of the minds when the eyes are closed. Quote Right
Quote Left When I can look life in the eyes, grown calm and very coldly wise, life will have given me the truth, and taken in exchange -- my youth. Quote Right
Quote Left Objects of knowledge maintain an infinite distance from us who are the knowers. For knowledge is not union. Therefore the further world of freedom awaits us there where we reach truth, not through feeling it by senses or knowing it by reason, but thr Quote Right
Quote Left Existence, as we know it, is full of sorrow. To mention only one minor point every man is a condemned criminal, only he does not know the date of his execution. This is unpleasant for every man. Consequently every man does everything possible to postpone the date, and would sacrifice anything that he has if he could reverse the sentence. Practically all religions and all philosophies have started thus crudely, by promising their adherents some such reward as immortality. No religion has failed hitherto by not promising enough the present breaking up of all religions is due to the fact that people have asked to see the securities. Men have even renounced the important material advantages which a well-organized religion may confer upon a State, rather than acquiesce in fraud or falsehood, or even in any system which, if not proved guilty, is at least unable to demonstrate its innocence. Being more or less bankrupt, the best thing that we can do is to attack the problem afresh without preconceived ideas. Let us begin by doubting every statement. Let us find a way of subjecting every statement to the test of experiment. Is there any truth at all in the claims of various religions Let us examine the question. Quote Right
Quote Left Servant of God, well done, well hast thou fought The better fight, who single hast maintain'd Against revolted multitudes the Cause Of Truth, in word mightier than they in Arms; And for the testimony of Truth hast borne Universal reproach, far worse Quote Right
Quote Left Historians desiring to write the actions of men, ought to set down the simple truth, and not say anything for love or hatred; also to choose such an opportunity for writing as it may be lawful to think what they will, and write what they think, which is a rare happiness of the time. Quote Right
Quote Left We can make truth ours by actively modulating its inter-relations. This is the work of art; for reality is not based in the substance of things but in the principle of relationship. Truth is the infinite pursued by metaphysics; fact is the infinite p Quote Right
Quote Left It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife. Quote Right
Quote Left The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe in the fundamental Truth of all the great religions of the world. I believe that they are all God given. I came to the conclusion long ago... that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Truth

Quote Left Honesty is at least half of every poem -- if one starts with attempt at self truth -- the rest is made far easier. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith ... Hope ... Trust ... Belief ... where does the truth end, so we may heal beyond our grief ? Quote Right
Quote Left Does loyalty remain strong . . . or just wrong, when the truth is evident ? Quote Right
Quote Left “Death conveys the timeless truth: the impermanence of all things in the mortal realm.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left “Every drop of water, every breath of air, every blade of grass whispers the same truth: we are but custodians of this planet, entrusted with its care for generations yet to come.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left "Your enemies know you, as you know them, and truth bears on--face to face ... The Mirror Cracks ... Your friends know you, as you know them, and truth bears on--face to back," by the Poet, posted on my Concrete Poem 05/07/24 'Kiss of Back' Quote Right
Quote Left Everything under the sun can be justified. But it's only the truth that brings healing and restoration. If only we spent half as much energy in the pursuit of truth as we do in these fights to have it our way. Quote Right
Quote Left Sad truth is.. when you really know someone intimately, their thoughts, their deepest desires, who they are when no one is looking... Loving them is difficult. Our phones reflect our true identities. And that is why these days a relationship/marriage can end just by checking his/her phone Quote Right
Quote Left Cannabis doesn’t give you anxiety, it reveals inner truths, and if you haven’t accepted that truth, you might get anxious. Quote Right
Quote Left Everybody’s the truth according to their own lies. Everyone is the realest one in their own eyes. Quote Right
Quote Left Some lies are just well-intentioned unfulfilled truths! Quote Right
Quote Left "Truth is similar to the ocean it's full of twists and turns". Quote Right
Quote Left Don’t let truth get in the way of compassion. Quote Right
Quote Left A coin has two sides, Opinions has many The truth, false, one's beliefs. Pick a side. Quote Right
Quote Left Let the heart speak! knowing its mind and own place, knowing its opulent space -- knowing our lies and truths, the shallow or depth of window-eyes, the soul that records our breaks and ties... the heart, a poet’s lexicon Quote Right
Quote Left You can lead a Liberal to truth...but you can't make him drink. Quote Right
Quote Left Having witness many of man's harsh truths up close, juxtaposed to the many possible lies of tender faith -- Faith for me always wins out. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes too much narrative is made of man's truth...and far too little of divine love. God's Truth is a love story. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is the only truth of which man can be certain. Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes a path of lies can bring one to truth -- in this context, be a follower and not a leader…. Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing ever comes entirely to rest, the decay of death into memory into myth a prime example. Whatever only true for the moment of successful application. Absolute Truth is Faith~ Omnipotent. Quote Right
Quote Left What is given needs time to illuminate the world. Effortlessly, nothing gives birth to a greater truth and understanding. We are of the same blood but yet so distant and different. We need to speak and listen. Reinvent ourselves and connect. Illuminate this dark world. Quote Right
Quote Left The truth will run and hide, when the only voices heard, are from those that lied. Quote Right
Quote Left A poem belongs to itself; its own Truth. Careful how you strike the stone's fissure distorting the light! Quote Right
Quote Left Ahh... what a great nation, with the rule of law, its statutes and torts. Yet between the political and judicial, much of the truth can be hidden by false narratives, where greed and power, look to disrobe the voice of the courts. Quote Right
Quote Left Is denying the truth the same as lying? Quote Right
Quote Left Pornography is deeper than sex on a screen. just like any content pornography speaks to some truths about who we are, fears hopes and dreams. I can make this argument that pornography offers a true moment of honesty to ourselves. Because why the hell is a video titled Horny BBW Step Mom Gets Fucked Like a Slut By Her Young Stepson have 1.6 million views. Quote Right
Quote Left Puzzle is A game not to find A road because death is the truth Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left If we take a closer look at the common business terms, 'risk or return', they might easily be replaced by loss or gain. Going further, these borders may at times be redefined, until their naked truth is shown; that of pleasure or pain. Quote Right
Quote Left Truth more in the soaring flight than that of our ever changing scenery .... Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs