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Sin Quotations

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Quote Left Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs. We are, and must be, one and all, burdened with faults in this world: but the time will soon come when, I trust, we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh, and only the spark of the spirit will remain, - the impalpable principle of light and thought, pure as when it left the Creator to inspire the creature: whence it came it will return; perhaps again to be communicated to some being higher than man - perhaps to pass through gradations of glory, from the pale human soul to brighten to the seraph! Surely it will never, on the contrary, be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend? No; I cannot believe that: I hold another creed: which no one ever taught me, and which I seldom mention; but in which I delight, and to which I cling: for it extends hope to all: it makes Eternity a rest - a mighty home, not a terror and an abyss. Besides, with this creed, I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime; I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last: with this creed revenge never worries my heart, degradation never too deeply disgusts me, injustice never crushes me too low: I live in calm, looking to the end. Quote Right
Quote Left Surely your gladness need not be the less for the thought that you will one day see a brighter dawn than this - when lovelier sights will meet your eyes than any waving trees or rippling waters - when angel-hands shall undraw your curtains, and sweeter tones than ever loving Mother breathed shall wake you to a new and glorious day - and when all the sadness, and the sin, that darkened life on this little earth, shall be forgotten like the dreams of a night that is past! Quote Right
Quote Left The mystic prophets of the absolute cannot save us. Sustained by our history and traditions, we must save ourselves, at whatever risk of heresy or blasphemy. We can find solace in the memorable representation of the human struggle against the absolute in the finest scene in the greatest of American novels. I refer of course to the scene when Huckleberry Finn decides that the '' plain hand of Providence '' requires him to tell Miss Watson where her runaway slave Jim is to be found. Huck writes his letter of betrayal to Miss Watson and feels '' all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now. '' He sits there for a while thinking '' how good it was all this happened so, and how near I come to being lost and going to hell .'' Then Huck begins to think about Jim and the rush of the great river and the talking and the singing and the laughing and friendship. '' Then I happened to look around and see that paper. . . . I took it up, and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: 'All right, then, I'll go to hell' - and tore it up .'' Quote Right
Quote Left All sins tend to be addictive, and the terminal point of addiction is damnation. Quote Right
Quote Left Would you who judge of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of pleasure, take this rule; whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off the relish of spiritual things; in short; whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that is sin to you; however innocent it may be in itself. Quote Right
Quote Left We manage to swallow flesh only because we do not think of the cruel and sinful thing that we do.  Cruelty... is a fundamental sin, and admits of no arguments or nice distinctions.  If only we do not allow our heart to grow callous, it protests against cruelty, is always clearly heard; and yet we go on perpetrating cruelties easily, merrily, all of us - in fact, anyone who does not join in is dubbed a crank. Quote Right
Quote Left Ignorance is not innocence but sin. Quote Right
Quote Left We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon. Quote Right
Quote Left Utdrag ur skadeanmälningar till Skandia: Då det ej fanns något tvistemål om vem som skulle köra, fortsatte undertecknade vilket även herr Rose'n gjorde med sammanstötning som följd. Jag har blifvit öfvererkörd af en atemobil med 90 kilm. i timmen och vill ha pengar för de. Utsikterna på vägen va godt och 8 meter bred. Jag föste mi ko öfver vägen och hålte på att springa tillbaka då biltermoristen var öfver mig. Ett revben vräkte han inåt och tri av tänderna låge kvar. Ä de fasoner de. Nä nä. Srif mej till och lemna 1,000 kr annars blir de laga sak åvet. Jag trodde rutan var nedfälld, men jag märkte när jag stack ut huvudet genom den att den var stängd. En fotgängare kolliderade med mej och for under min bil. Jag tutade, med bilhornet gick inte, för det var stulet. Olyckhändelsen orsakades av att vägen krökte. För att undvika kollisionen körde jag på den andra bilen. Jag kolliderade med en stillastående spårvagn som kom från motsatta hållet. Jag körde över en karl: han erkände att felet var hans, för han hade blivit överkörd förut. Kon gick emot bilen: efteråt fick jag veta att hon inte var riktigt klok! Motorcyklisten avled senare av skador som han tillfogades på Karlstads Lasarett. Jag föll i vägbanan. Min man fortsatte med sin moped och körde sedan i diket. Om jag fick hjälp eller om jag reste mig själv minns jag inte. Men när min man kom tillbaka och fick se att jag överlevt blev chocken för svår för honom så han föll ner avsvimmad. Jag stannade vid övergångstället då motparten körde mej i stjärten utan min tillåtelse. Vittnet kallade sig själv för gentleman, men jag tror det är riktigare att kalla honom för garageföreståndare. Det fanns en mängd åskådare men inga vittnen... Min fru har stortvätt på tisdagarna och när jag återvände hem på kvällen fick jag vindrutan och två tänder utslagna. Den andra vagnen kolliderade med min utan att giva någon som helst varning om sina avsikter. Min man mådde illa, så det gällde att få tag i en annan man... Jag vet inte vems felet var att vi båda fumlade, tvekade och kolliderade... Den kvinnliga föraren fick hela frampartiet intryckt. Olyckan berodde på att vägen svängde och var bevuxen med buskar och träd. Vid kollisionstillfället befann jag mig i sittande ställning på Dr Lindgrens toilett, varför jag icke kunde göra något för att avvärja skadan. Den döde kom cycklande från vänster... Quote Right
Quote Left An original something, dear maid, you would wish me to write; but how shall I begin? For I'm sure I have not original in me, Excepting Original Sin. Quote Right
Quote Left Take not away the life you cannot give; For all things have an equal right to live, Kill noxious creatures where 'tis sin to save; This only just prerogative we have; But nourish life with vegetable food, And shun the sacrilegious taste of blood. Forbear, O mortals, To spoil your bodies with such impious food! There is corn for you, apples, whose weight bears down The bending branches; there are grapes that swell On the vines, and pleasant herbs, and greens Made mellow and soft with cooking; there is milk And clover-honey. Earth is generous With her provision, and her sustenance Is very kind; she offers, for your tables, Food that requires no bloodshed and no slaughter. Quote Right
Quote Left Fråga: Vad tror det är som driver människan framåt? Själv är jag böjd till att tro att girigheten är den ultima drivkraften. Då menar jag girighet i både psykiskt och fysiskt plan. D.v.s en girighet i mental och materiell åtrå. Jag tror då följdaktligen att girighet är det som formar vårt samhälle. Inte så direkt upplyftande eller hur? (Samuel Sannsell) Svar: Borgare brukar säga att människan drivs av egennyttan. Gunnar Adler Karlsson skrev att vi drivs framåt av vår lathet (därav alla tids och människobesparande uppfinningar). En del tror att de kan hitta den genetiska koden som förklarar artens vilja att växa och utvecklas, andra att det är svårt att se nån utveckling överhuvudtaget. Själv tror jag at vi drivs framåt av vår kultur. Vårt sociala vara. Poängen med den tesen är att en kultur kan fyllas med olika gemensamma drivkrafter. I ett samhälle som premierar egennyttan, får den större betydelse. I ett samhälle som premierar samarbete får det beteendet större betydelse. Visst föder din tanke deppiga dagar. Men jag läste en gång några rader om mänsklighetens märkliga förmåga att sätta sig själv inför hotet om utplåning (genom kärnvapenkriget). Det märkliga stod det, är inte att människan har detta terrorvapen i sin hand. Det fantastiska är att man trots fingrarna på knappen under femtio år, ännu inte tryckt av. Quote Right
Quote Left RAGGARBRUDEN Känns igen som ett stort lyckligt oväsen. Marscherar fram i lokalen med en öl i ena handen samtidigt som hon stöter som sjutton på intet ont anande killar. En långt ifrån blygsam varelse iklädd avklippt jeansväst som det står Chevrolet och pojkvännens namn på. Följer du av någon underlig anledning henne hem får du också mycket riktigt en svartsjuk 150 kilos volvoarbetare med matrester i skägget efter dig. DEPPROCKAREN Konstant uttråkad står hon vid utgången eller toaletterna. Tycker sig vara intelligentare och mer samhällsmedveten än andra, men kan i själva verket bara stava till Anarki, och då med sprayburk. Gillar poeter och sångare i punkband. Petar näsan. OLYCKSFÅGELN Om det så bara spills ut en enda öl på hela kvällen så är det olycksfågeln som får den på sig. Han fick också smittsamma utslag på sin första date, och har sedan dess haft ett rykte om sig att vara AIDS-smittad. PERSONALEN Måste alltid arbeta och ständigt umgås med alla dessa ovanstående. Ser därför alltid dödstrött ut och är ofta bakis. Att vidga sina vyer betyder för dem att gå till sängs med krogpersonal som arbetar på ett konkurrerande ställe och till och med i bland på samma ställe vilket också ofta orakar lite problem. Vet att Syphilis acquisita är förvärvad syfilis och inte medfödd. MODELLEN Har som förebild Birgitte Nielsen och Sillicon Valley. Solariebrun med ett otroligt självförtroende. Pratar aldrig med någon under- människa, det vill säga alla andra i lokalen. Blir hon tilltalad frågar hon: 'Och vem är du då?', på stockholmska trots att hon kommer från Yxböle. Är troligtvis hjärndöd. Quote Right
Quote Left Lord, with what care hast Thou begirt us round! Parents first season us; then schoolmasters... Quote Right
Quote Left The sin they do two by two they must pay for one by one. Quote Right
Quote Left To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. Quote Right
Quote Left True Civilization does not lie in gas, nor in steam, nor in turn-tables. It lies in the reduction of the traces of original sin. Quote Right
Quote Left There are confessable agonies, sufferings of which one can positively be proud. Of bereavement, of parting, of the sense of sin and the fear of death the poets have eloquently spoken. They command the world's sympathy. But there are also discreditable anguishes, no less excruciating than the others, but of which the sufferer dare not, cannot speak. The anguish of thwarted desire, for example. Quote Right
Quote Left Politic man ordained Imagination as the fateful sin. Grandmother and her basketful of pears Must be the crux for our compendia. Quote Right
Quote Left Lukewarmness I account a sin, as great in love as in religion. Quote Right
Quote Left Childhood: the period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth - two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. Quote Right
Quote Left Convent. A place of retirement for women who wish for leisure to meditate upon the sin of idleness. Quote Right
Quote Left A pro-life advocate sees abortion as a sin against God who infuses life at the moment of conception. A pro-choice advocate sees abortion as a decision to be made in accordance with the best scientific opinion as to when the beginning of life, as we know it, occurs. Quote Right
Quote Left I count religion but a childish toy, and hold there is no sin but innocence. Quote Right
Quote Left TIO SMÅ NISSAR: Midvinternattens köld är svår tio små nissar i djupsnö går. Rävsax gömd under skynke vitt knipsar nisse av på mitt. Livsandarna snabbt för honom tryter snart i eget blod han flyter. Nio små nissar i midnattstimma traskar fram i månljusstrimma. Ugglan hoar i sitt näste istapp faller från sitt fäste. Nisse spetsas utav tappen tomte ligger död på trappen. Utanför dörren står gröten och ångar åtta nissars intresse fångar. Under stigande hunger faten de nalkar en stackars tomte på kanten halkar. Han flyter, han kämpar, han svettas, blir blöt men sjunker likväl i kvicksandens gröt. Många springor stugan har där sju tomtar in sig tar. Katten som bakom dörren ruva slukar nisse med hull och luva. Resterna av tomtehand suger misse bort från tand. Sex små nissar mot julbord ila snabbt dom uppför bordsben kila. När sista tomten över kanten hasar tappar han greppet och neråt rasar. Faller nedåt likt ett lod mattan färgas röd av tomteblod. Tomtar fem i väldig iver springer runt ty hungern river. Nisse snubblar på sitt skägg faller rätt på knivens egg. Lilla nisse, stackars saten rinner ut i sillsalaten. Fyra nissar har festat på sill och nu de törsten sin släcka vill. Mot glöggen de springer i samlad tropp och tar för sig i varsin kopp. Ner faller nisse i glögghett hav likt en skållad mandel, hans skinn faller av. Tre små tomtar i granen svingar mellan ljus och änglavingar. Nisse sig för nära våga strax han står i ljusan låga. Doftar snart likt en vidbränd stek ångrar då sin ystra lek. Två små tomtar omkring sig tittar så en smällkaramell de hittar. Nisse ner på den då hoppar men för detta den ej stoppar. I tak, på golv, på gardin med frans finns nu nisses hjärnsubstans. Husbonn stiger upp i natten för att kasta lite vatten. Under husbonns tunga toffla nisse blir till krämig våffla. Snön ligger vit lite här och var inte en djävla tomte finns kvar. Quote Right
Quote Left Convent - a place of retirement for women who wish for leisure to meditate upon the sin of idleness. Quote Right
Quote Left Want gave tongue, and at her howl, Sin awakened with a growl. Quote Right
Quote Left James 5:12: Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear – not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple 'Yes' or 'No.' Otherwise you will be condemned. (NIV)

But above all [things], my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath; but let your yes be [a simple] yes, and your no be [a simple] no, so that you may not sin and fall under condemnation. (AMP)

But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. (KJV)

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Quote Left Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin impatience. Because of impatience we are driven out of Paradise because of impatience we cannot return. Quote Right
Quote Left Marital intercourse is certainly holy, lawful and praiseworthy in itself and profitable to society, yet in certain circumstances it can prove dangerous, as when through excess the soul is made sick with venial sin, or through the violation and perversion of its primary end, killed by mortal sin; such perversion, detestable in proportion to its departure from the true order, being always mortal sin, for it is never lawful to exclude the primary end of marriage which is the procreation of children. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Sin

Quote Left When we stumble ... we may briefly be humbled, only to be vulnerable to a rising dignity to affirm. Quote Right
Quote Left "Blessings are everywhere if only we will look." Quote Right
Quote Left If God chooses a person as a model of humbleness, He bestows upon him many blessings. A slice of bread, a glass of milk is not opulence but divine providence. Whenever that person goes, His favor will follow him. Quote Right
Quote Left No slave won true freedom by simply asking for it from their oppressors ... slaves won true freedom by suddenlly realizing they weren't slaves in the first place... and that freedom isn't something you earn but something you imbibe. The sooner u realise the better This are not just words Being a slave doesn't mean binded by chains It can be sin or things of the past Let's be overcomers @2023 H2O Quote Right
Quote Left When you sell a type of Christianity whose only response to suffering and lose is that your either in sin or don't have enough faith, you set up a lot of people for frustration and anger. Luka Mwango Quote Right
Quote Left Best relationship advice I received: People are often attracted to what they know they can lose. Often times we fight a losing battle Quote Right
Quote Left Skeptical people ask themselves, " Has God abandoned us? " I tell you otherwise, " Have faith in Him and sing Alleluia! Quote Right
Quote Left Kissing rings made my gums bleed, and they mistook the crimson for venom. Quote Right
Quote Left Timing isnt the thing that's everything, God’s timing, is the blessing that waiting brings, to not wait brings error, so don't repeat, just stop, control, alt, delete. Quote Right
Quote Left .......all we need is a whole hearted desire and sincerity in deeds. The difficult life isn't that difficult! Quote Right
Quote Left Bewildered people ask themselves, " Why is God punishing us? Why has He abandoned us? " I tell you otherwise, " Have faith in Him and sing " Hallelujah! " Quote Right
Quote Left Waiting is the daughter of patience, but she is also the cousin of quitting. During moments in which you are idle, you must think of what you're waiting for. If you find a loophole where your waiting has no end, gather your strength, and push forward! Quote Right
Quote Left “Amidst passing trends, opt for timelessness; favor lasting impact over fleeting favor." -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left There will always be people for whom (no matter how sweet the blessings), the cup is half empty. For these chronic pessimists, I say try the power of two P-words: first and foremost; prayer, and secondly; positive thinking. Focus on the blessings God has given, and even though the cup may not be running over, give thanks for the portion that is half full. Things could always be worse! Quote Right
Quote Left I believe God has a plan...and all will work-out in His way and time. I don't believe that He wants animals to destroy one another in order to survive. We are missing something in our understanding of creation and Divine Purpose. Free Will is not interpreted correctly, speaking of man's profound relationship to his social and physical environments. We have far more control over things, than mankind sees, and when he does, is willing to consciously admit to his soul. Quote Right
Quote Left If the only human contact is the media, there won't be a feeling of closeness as when we are near; and this missing link deflects into our loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left Perfect is a word to describe a person or thing that we look up to or that is pleasing to the eye. Nothing is truly perfect. The same is said in Romans 3:10-12. Quote Right
Quote Left like it or not, the problem with this beautiful Zambia isn't anything rather than greed. Every single Zambian who gets an opportunity to make sense, will rather only want to quickly enrich himself/ themselves at d detriment of others. And yet, nothing, I mean, NOTHING! will happen. This, my brother is the problem. Patriotism comes when there is progress. Nobody want to tap his chest and say that mad man scavenging from that Waste bin is my son, brother, father, etc. Quote Right
Quote Left Perhaps we can not express certain experiences using words, but the reader can draw themselves into deeper thoughts from the words to experience it themselves. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a journey of crossing borders, of overcoming fear and taking risks, of being glad you tried, of losing oneself and of growth. Quote Right
Quote Left Life echo's immortality throughout our very being each divine moment one who loves us without refrain, without judgement and with true sincerity whispers our name and finds a home in the rhythm of our beating heart. Quote Right
Quote Left We are counterfeits in all, when expressing unlike God. Quote Right
Quote Left " An old Chinese proverb states : A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step''. I say, '' And ends up with blisters and sore feet In a hospital bed''. Quote Right
Quote Left Artistry, in what ever form it takes, is the soul singing with pure love to all, that in itself is a beautiful testament of who we really are. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no answers, only questions into questions. For me, the greatest miracle and blessing, is being allowed opportunity to enter into the mystery of a new day. The wonder of a day. Quote Right
Quote Left May you experience spring in your heart. May you know the bloom of contentment and joy. Blessings, love and light. Quote Right
Quote Left Easiest identifiable emotion comes from heart though relations exists in various forms. The community prefers to remain delude with easiest option available. Glamour, the most dominating illusion some how slips out of celluloid screens and transforms every single being. Aligned with traditions and seen with respect, refurbished with is much beyond. Every life is a rhapsody deserving legacy... short yet beautiful... may we make it! Quote Right
Quote Left Love is a blessing. Love is in our actions. May love guide our way, every single day. Quote Right
Quote Left Some of the respected people ask me how we get pain when Our soul is amar body destroyed into the ashes you make your stupid thoughts I just asked are you dead or alive because three naama one is ashes second is your body which is sucking giving unnecessary demand of health third is when you leave think are you alive after that how much will be the pain because since from birth it happens. With love all Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left Its all the odd shaped pieces, all the missing ones, that will create the masterpiece that is me. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things