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Loneliness Quotations

Loneliness quotations. Find, read, and share Loneliness quotations. These are the best examples of Loneliness quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left I drink to our ruined house, to the dolor of my life, to our loneliness together; and to you I raise my glass, to lying lips that have betrayed us, to dead-cold pitiless eyes, and to the hard realities; that the world is brutal and coarse, that God, in fact, has not saved us. Quote Right
Quote Left The gift of loneliness is sometimes a radical vision of society or one's people that has not previously been taken into account. Quote Right
Quote Left It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start. Quote Right
Quote Left A writer needs loneliness, and he gets his share of it. He needs love, and he gets shared and also unshared love. He needs friendship. In fact, he needs the universe. To be a writer is, in a sense, to be a day-dreamer - to be living a kind of double life. Quote Right
Quote Left The chief mate of the Pequod was Starbuck, a native of Nantucket, and a Quaker by descent. He was a long, earnest man, and though born on an icy coast, seemed well adapted to endure hot latitudes, his flesh being hard as twice-baked biscuit. Transported to the Indies, his live blood would not spoil like bottled ale. He must have been born in some time of general drought and famine, or upon one of those fast days for which his state is famous. Only some thirty arid summers had he seen; those summers had dried up all his physical superfluousness. But this, his thinness, so to speak, seemed no more the token of wasting anxieties and cares, than it seemed the indication of any bodily blight. It was merely the condensation of the man. He was by no means ill-looking; quite the contrary. His pure tight skin was an excellent fit; and closely wrapped up in it, and embalmed with inner health and strength, like a revivified Egyptian, this Starbuck seemed prepared to endure for long ages to come, and to endure always, as now; for be it Polar snow or torrid sun, like a patent chronometer, his interior vitality was warranted to do well in all climates. Looking into his eyes, you seemed to see there the yet lingering images of those thousand-fold perils he had calmly confronted through life. A staid, steadfast man, whose life for the most part was a telling pantomime of action, and not a tame chapter of sounds. Yet, for all his hardy sobriety and fortitude, there were certain qualities in him which at times affected, and in some cases seemed well nigh to overbalance all the rest. Uncommonly conscientious for a seaman, and endued with a deep natural reverence, the wild watery loneliness of his life did therefore strongly incline him to superstition; but to that sort of superstition, which in some organizations seems rather to spring, somehow, from intelligence than from ignorance. Outward portents and inward presentiments were his. Quote Right
Quote Left It is said of a lonely man that he does not appreciate the life of society. This is like saying he hates hiking because he dislikes walking in thick forest on a dark night. Quote Right
Quote Left Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left Your travel life has the aspect of a dream. It is something outside the normal, yet you are in it. It is peopled with characters you have never seen before and in all probability will never see again. It brings occasional homesickness, and loneliness, and pangs of longing... But you are like the Vikings who have gone into a world of adventure, and home is not home until you return. Quote Right
Quote Left A lonely man is a lonesome thing, a stone, a bone, a stick, a receptacle for Gilbey's gin, a stooped figure sitting at the edge of a hotel bed, heaving copious sighs like the autumn wind. Quote Right
Quote Left The dread of loneliness is greater than the fear of bondage, so we get married. Quote Right
Quote Left Fame always brings loneliness. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole. Quote Right
Quote Left Moon! Moon! am prone before you. Pity me, and drench me in loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left When Christ said: I was hungry and you fed me, he didn't mean only the hunger for bread and for food; he also meant the hunger to be loved. Jesus himself experienced this loneliness. He came amongst his own and his own received him not, and it hurt him then and it has kept on hurting him. The same hunger, the same loneliness, the same having no one to be accepted by and to be loved and wanted by. Every human being in that case resembles Christ in his loneliness; and that is the hardest part, that's real hunger. Quote Right
Quote Left There's an old joke - um... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, 'Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.' The other one says, 'Yeah, I know; and such small portions.' Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness, and it's all over much too quickly. Quote Right
Quote Left The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. Quote Right
Quote Left Who knows what true loneliness is -- not the conventional word, but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion. Now and then a fatal conjunction of events may lift the veil for an instant. For an instant only. No human being could bear a steady view of moral solitude without going mad. Quote Right
Quote Left What loneliness is more lonely than distrust? Quote Right
Quote Left A victory! To leave your loneliness panting behind you on some street corner while you float free into a cloud of sudden azaleas, luminous pink petals that have never felt loneliness, no matter how slowly they fell. Quote Right
Quote Left When friendship disappears then there is a space left open to that awful loneliness of the outside world which is like the cold space between the planets. It is an air in which men perish utterly. Quote Right
Quote Left A man is never completely alone in this world. At the worst, he has the company of a boy, a youth, and by and by a grown man --the one he used to be. Quote Right
Quote Left Only in relationship can you know yourself, not in abstraction and certainly not in isolation. The movement of behavior is the sure guide to yourself. It's the mirror of your consciousness: this mirror will reveal its content, the images, the attachments, the fears, the loneliness, the joys and sorrow. Poverty lies in running away from this, either in its sublimations or its identities. Quote Right
Quote Left A man in a bookstore buys a book on loneliness and every woman in the store hits on him. A woman buys a book on loneliness and the store clears out. Quote Right
Quote Left It's a terrible thing to be alone -- yes it is -- it is -- but don't lower your mask until you have another mask prepared beneath --as terrible as you like --but a mask. Quote Right
Quote Left Forget sex or politics or religion, loneliness is the subject that clears out a room. Quote Right
Quote Left Americans become unhappy and vicious because their preoccupation with amassing possessions obliterates their loneliness. This is why production in America seems to be on such an endless upward spiral: every time we buy something we deepen our emotional deprivation and hence our need to buy something. Quote Right
Quote Left Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for. Quote Right
Quote Left Skillful listening is the best remedy for loneliness, loquaciousness, and laryngitis. Quote Right
Quote Left The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things Knows not the livid loneliness of fear. Quote Right
Quote Left Only in a house where one has learnt to be lonely does one have this solicitude for things. One's relation to them, the daily seeing or touching, begins to become love, and to lay one open to pain. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Loneliness

Quote Left If the only human contact is the media, there won't be a feeling of closeness as when we are near; and this missing link deflects into our loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left The day we see the Lord standing by the side n holding our hands tight..... We need no one else, even loneliness smiles! Quote Right
Quote Left If you find solace in others, loneliness may crush you. If you find solace in loneliness, other may overwhelm you. Harmony and balance are where you'll find true solace. Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness is like a festering wound. At first it isn't a problem, but with time it'll be harder and harder to recover from. Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. Quote Right
Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 2) - Those creatives who have experienced, 'going over the edge', have plummeted to the depths of despair, loneliness, emotional and physical pain, are the ones who have the greatest appreciation for beauty and love, and an understanding of the cost paid for loss; and while some do not survive the plunge, their experiences make us understand what it truly is to be ‘human’. Those are the writers/creatives who I gravitate to and admire. Quote Right
Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 2) - Those creatives who have experienced, 'going over the edge', have plummeted to the depths of despair, loneliness, emotional and physical pain, are the ones who have the greatest appreciation for beauty and love, and an understanding of the cost paid for loss; and while some do not survive the plunge, their experiences make us understand what it truly is to be ‘human’. Those are the writers/creatives who I gravitate to and admire. Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness is for those without Imagination Quote Right
Quote Left “Emptiness and loneliness consume you. Physically you're alive, but mentally you're dying inside.” ? Sarah Stein, Hearten Christmas Quote Right
Quote Left If loneliness is habituated with strong determination one can become a strong person without any doubt By BL Devnath Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness in crowded love is a heart-rending condition of living existence. Quote Right
Quote Left Why does your generation connect so much with loneliness, depression and anxiety and old man asked me. I thought for sometime and said-"Maybe because we learnt too much for our age, saw too much for our age, did things that were too much for our age. That's why, maybe, we suffer too much for our age. We're seemingly distant, but we're too fragile inside. That's the problem with us." Quote Right
Quote Left Why does your generation connect so much with loneliness, depression and anxiety and old man asked me. I thought for sometime and said-"Maybe because we learnt too much for our age, saw too much for our age, did things that were too much for our age. That's why, maybe, we suffer too much for our age. We're seemingly distant, but we're too fragile inside. That's the problem with us." Quote Right
Quote Left If that's your definition of love. Let me die in my loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left Echoes of loneliness is a like a stranger passing in the night... Quote Right
Quote Left Why this heart slips into the ocean of loneliness every now and then....why it recaptures scenes from the past....a past that is hard to believe ...a past that is far from relief... It brings me sorrow and painful thoughts...thoughts which my soul is scared of ...past I remember of it now feels like a journey of thousand miles..coming at a halt all of a sudden....a feeling of losing......losing everything that I cherished till now ...even my heartbeats are not mine now... Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness and solitude are two separate things, one you choose the other is chosen for you. by Mark Miller Quote Right
Quote Left My greatest asset is loneliness, in that the guardians of the universe intend to leave me helpless, when upon the face of humanity. Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness is the world of self-discovery where undiscovered you buds. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Loneliness penetrates deeper.... Darkness hugs you closer..... but never forget to Smile.' Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness teaches one everything in life except how to escape it. Quote Right
Quote Left "Being homeless is better than standing loneliness" Quote Right
Quote Left "Loneliness is a single light-bulb, and an empty fridge" Quote Right
Quote Left * The grievance of death is the mantle of loneliness Quote Right
Quote Left Depression and loneliness combine to make excellent poetry. Quote Right
Quote Left When you feel the loneliness creeping within your life just smile and think positive as it lightout the days of wonder Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness is like the blueberries in a blue berry cheese cake - rare, precious and sweet sour. Quote Right
Quote Left 'When the companionship of loneliness knocks on your door the soul is overwhelmed with past regrets and the heart is left in eternal anguish...' Quote Right
Quote Left Constructive people take the chance to do something better in loneliness. Quote Right
Quote Left Loneliness is the illness of old age: another disease worse than physical pain. How can we overcome it? A hug and a caress from someone we love. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things