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Husband Quotations

Husband quotations. Find, read, and share Husband quotations. These are the best examples of Husband quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Art is a jealous mistress, and if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he makes a bad husband and an i... Quote Right
Quote Left My husband is exceedingly busy. For some time the talk of his going had been slack, but just now again there seems to be a move to get him sent to the front! Quote Right
Quote Left 'Against his better judgment, the big game hunter is talked into taking both his wife AND her mother along on one of his expeditions. It does not go well. The mother-in-law is, if anything, harder to get along with in the wilds than she was in the city. And to make matters worse, she won't even abide by the simple camp rules designed to keep the safari safe. One night after dinner, the hunter's wife realizes her mother is missing. Panicked, she rushes to her husband and begs him to institute a search. He sighs, and together they set out. But before they've gone far, they hear throaty growling. Soon they come upon a small clearing in which the mother-in-law stands, backed up against thick, seemingly impenetrable jungle brush, and facing a huge male lion. The wife whispers urgently, 'What are we going to do?' 'Nothing,' responds her husband. 'The lion got himself into this mess, now let him get himself out of it.'' Quote Right
Quote Left 'Against his better judgment, the big game hunter is talked into taking both his wife AND her mother along on one of his expeditions. It does not go well. The mother-in-law is, if anything, harder to get along with in the wilds than she was in the city. And to make matters worse, she won't even abide by the simple camp rules designed to keep the safari safe. One night after dinner, the hunter's wife realizes her mother is missing. Panicked, she rushes to her husband and begs him to institute a search. He sighs, and together they set out. But before they've gone far, they hear throaty growling. Soon they come upon a small clearing in which the mother-in-law stands, backed up against thick, seemingly impenetrable jungle brush, and facing a huge male lion. The wife whispers urgently, 'What are we going to do?' 'Nothing,' responds her husband. 'The lion got himself into this mess, now let him get himself out of it.'' Quote Right
Quote Left While I play the good husband at home, my son and his servant spend all at the university. Quote Right
Quote Left We are astonished and devastated to learn of the hidden life of Neil Entwistle. We never suspected that Neil was anything other than a loving father, a trusted son-in-law and a husband. Quote Right
Quote Left May the gods grant you all things which your heart desires, and may they give you a husband and a home and gracious concord, for there is nothing greater and better than this -when a husband and wife keep a household in oneness of mind, a great woe to their enemies and joy to their friends, and win high renown. Quote Right
Quote Left The time I am most powerful and in control of my life is when I drive my car. Whatever lonely feelings I have from the lack of communication with my husband disappear in no time flat. When the windows and the top are open with my favorite jazz station on the radio playing, nothing and nobody can touch me. Then I go home to the same relentless battle. Life can be a pisser Quote Right
Quote Left She who makes her husband and her children happy, who reclaims the one from vice, and trains up the other to virtue, is a much greater character than the ladies described in romance, whose whole occupation is to murder mankind with shafts from their quiver or their eyes. Quote Right
Quote Left and wife or husband who does not lock the door of the marriage... Quote Right
Quote Left After marriage, a woman's sight becomes so keen that she can see right through her husband without looking at him, and a man's so dull that he can look right through his wife without seeing her. Quote Right
Quote Left As the husband is, the wife is: thou art mated with a clown, Quote Right
Quote Left Husband and wife come to look alike at last Quote Right
Quote Left Sixty years ago they smiled At lover, husband, first-born child.... Quote Right
Quote Left I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky. Quote Right
Quote Left A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday. Quote Right
Quote Left Life begins to happen. My hoppped up husband drops his home disputes, and hits the streets to cruise for prostitutes, Quote Right
Quote Left A husband is what's left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted. Quote Right
Quote Left Beauty, n: the power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband. Quote Right
Quote Left To what a bad choice is many a worthy woman betrayed, by that false and inconsiderate notion, That a reformed rake makes the best husband! Quote Right
Quote Left 'Miss C_____'s father,' says Betty, 'had much better have bred his daughter a housewife, and then, mayhap, she might have got her a husband, w... Quote Right
Quote Left We come to visit family a couple of times a year. I like the trip. I like spending time with my husband and watching the scenery, Quote Right
Quote Left It is easier to be a lover than a husband for the simple reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day than to say pretty things from time to time. Quote Right
Quote Left Once Confucius was walking on the mountains and he came across a woman weeping by a grave. He asked the woman what here sorrow was, and she replied, We are a family of hunters. My father was eaten by a tiger. My husband was bitten by a tiger and died. And now my only son! Why don't you move down and live in the valley? Why do you continue to live up here? asked Confucius. And the woman replied, But sir, there are no tax collectors here! Confucius added to his disciples, You see, a bad government is more to be feared than tigers. Quote Right
Quote Left Whenever a husband and wife begin to discuss their marriage they are giving evidence at a coroner's inquest. Quote Right
Quote Left Husband a lie, and trump it up in some extraordinary emergency. Quote Right
Quote Left A simple enough pleasure, surely, to have breakfast alone with one's husband, but how seldom married people in the midst of life achieve it. Quote Right
Quote Left I know one husband and wife who, whatever the official reasons given to the court for the break up of their marriage, were really divorced because the husband believed that nobody ought to read while he was talking and the wife that nobody ought to talk while she was reading. Quote Right
Quote Left I never married because there was no need. I have three pets at home which answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog which growls every morning, a parrot which swears all afternoon and a cat that comes home late at night. Quote Right
Quote Left Here lies Jan Smith, wife of Thomas Smith, marble Cutter. This monument was erected by her husband as a tribute to her memory and a specimen of his work. Monuments of this same style are two hundred and fifty dollars. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Husband

Quote Left In this day and age, husband and wives are not good to each other, for alot of people, they tolerate each other. Quote Right
Quote Left Many mothers bear tortures and agonies not for the sake of their husbands but their children Quote Right
Quote Left "Your husband should be your best friend so do your wife " ~~~Taimee Catakaw Quote Right
Quote Left Husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, lovers of forever; It takes two to dance... but after the musicians play, even if one leaves the floor, the other is not allowed to stop, as then the musicians would have nothing left to do. Quote Right
Quote Left Ann More's husband said, "No man is an island". but that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to be an atoll, or sandbar at least. Quote Right
Quote Left That moment in marriage when the husband clues in as to what it takes to manage a household... priceless. Quote Right
Quote Left My husbands Dr told him he had to lose 130 lbs, so he divorced me Quote Right
Quote Left For everybody in this world was born of a woman, women began it all. Whoever is on the forefront is a leader. Somebody said, "a good leader is a servant." Her husband knows that secret. Perhaps that is why she is weak nowadays. Quote Right
Quote Left a wife who borrows a lot is financial poor in head as well as her husband Quote Right
Quote Left To desirer another woman's husband can only mean that you are a fool. Quote Right
Quote Left A wife's fidelity is to her husband not to her boyfriend. Quote Right
Quote Left Husband and wife are the necessary guard for each other. Quote Right
Quote Left My ex husband broke me down then life turned around and took his turn Quote Right
Quote Left I know a woman who complains about her husband drinking. If I were her husband I would drink because she is always complaining. Quote Right
Quote Left better be founded with a wife than finding your wife with her husband. Quote Right
Quote Left A Good husband always cares for his wife at all times. Quote Right
Quote Left Make peace with your family before you marry your wife or husband. Quote Right

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