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Best Poems Written by Anoucheka Gangabissoon

Below are the all-time best Anoucheka Gangabissoon poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Rest, Don't Quit

What happens when the moon isn't up to her best?
She takes a break,
Dozes for a while,
And comes back shining brighter than she ever did!

What happens when the ocean waves lose their energy?
They lap at low tide,
Allow themselves some peace in their lonely expanse
Merely to enjoy the view of the night sky!

What happens when the day feels like she needs some time alone?
She breaks into a yawn,
A yawn which gets transmitted to us all living creatures
And she slips into a delightful dose!

But what happens when we humans feel like 
The boulders that we carry on our shoulders
Have become too heavy for us?
What happens when we glance at our fate lines
And feel like we shall never make it to destination?
Instead of following nature's example,
We simply close our diaries, tear the stories up
And look out for other things to do
When all that is required,
Is a well deserved break,
One potent enough as to take our minds
Off our toils, have us sit back, breathe and relax,
Before we make our comeback!

Is Existence not beautiful
When we quit solely at the moment
That we have been fated to?

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2022

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Puppy Love Vs True Love

Once love, or rather, that which I thought was love
Swept me over
And had me racing up on a highway
I raced up and up
Till I reached the top most part of a summit
Only to fall
Back down
Broken into pieces
With deep scars
And loose bolts
And, to my horror,
Realized that I had lost a part of me
A part which I needed most
To fit in society
To cater for myself
And to tend to life as well!

Why, at that time, 
I had been running after looks
After the impulses of desires
And I had wanted
To fill up an empty space in my heart
Void and vacant, it had hurt so much!

Pray, now that I've matured
And now that I can claim to know love
Love which is so sweet
That it makes me smile at all times
Love which is so melting
That it has become not only my fort
But also my support
My strength
My cause
And of course, my sole purpose in life

Love, have I come to know
Love, runs not after that which is transient
Love, when it is genuine and mature
Caters for the blooming of both the lover and the beloved
Love allows space, makes dreams come true
And even gives way to opportunities

Love, of such kind, I have grown addicted to
For love, of such kind, allows me to retain my individuality
Respects me and has been steadily sewing up 
That which has been torn in me

Pray, puppy love is just for social acceptance
Puppy love is just for a show off
To seem glamourous 
And to make others envious
But love, true and genuine
Remains discrete
But reveals itself, bared, naked, disrobed and flaming
In between closed walls!
Yes, love, when made of maturity
Remains as a shadow
But becomes the main propelling force!

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2017

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Undoubtful Doubt

Could it be That we will never be? It cannot be That we played with fire Without playing the lyre Could it be That you are a liar? Ready to jump into the pyre My heart does bleed And plead For Mercy I am Capricious Even Luscious In your bed Always coloured red Yet You abutted Never Pretentious I am Anxious Could it be That you do not agree? With my Faith What would become of me Should you let me be? Without my Side You will truly Hide Your eternal Pain In Vain.
Written in 2011 This is my first poem on PS. I started with this one. I love it as it made of me a poet, appreciated by a poetry community. Though now, I have learnt to love myself as well as the skies. Love can be about understanding and patience rather than despair.

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2011

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Slave To Love

Created to belong to the one soul
For whom my heart would beat
Rhythmic beats of thirsting desires
I have,
Since times immemorial
Enjoyed this state of being
A slave to Love!

Why, loving requires patience,
Submission, abandoning my throne
And even accepting to disrobe my soul
Among gaping crowds,
Made of souls who understand not
That I am the whirlpool, raging forth
And Love, remains
The river bed, calm and soothing
To allow me to simply keep on being!

Why, being the slave of love
Allows me to imbibe in gloomy souls
The musical tunes of love, tuned correctly 
Of course, meaning solely
To give their hearts wings
As to wish to experience its magic too!

Pray, being the slave of love
Requires of me to be virtuous
Made of morals, of principles, of tears,
Of blood, of forgiveness, of acceptance,
Of blinded will, why, of passion,
So deep and so fragile, that it can be
Mistaken to be a natural calamity at times
And a fragranced flower at others!

Of love have I made my master,
As such was willed to me by the skies
I have accepted it and am ready to die for it
If need be,
Though the lover in me yearns to be held in
Between warm palms and to be asked
Of why is it that I still hold on
Even if doing so implies swimming against the current!

A slave of love am I
Enjoying it as long as I have enough strength to
Dancing on its tunes
Meditating on its peace
Writing of its hidden meanings
Waiting for it, waiting
As the drowning do,
For a hand to pull them up!

For Contest Slave to Love
Written on 3rd July 2019

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2019

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The Love of Nature

At times, the feel of the sun on my whole body is delicious How warm, how comforting, how addicting Of the sun's rays I shall never have enough Why, amidst life's harsh darting arrows The warmth of the sun is like a protective umbrella! At other times, the caress of the wind is arousing It tends to guide me towards adventure It tends to bid me to listen to its call To imagine that somewhere, on high grounds It can take the form of hot air balloons and just swipe me away! More, each time, the touch of the rain feels soothing The flames that inhabit my body die out And cooled off, I can shake my toils away And smile at life As if I were its own queen! And of course, the wet and cold grass is inviting On it, I do feel like reclining For as long as my free time shall allow me to Grass, smelling like the paths of the other worlds Bid me to smile, at nothing and no one in particular! Pray, to enjoy the display of nature I have chosen to remain unattached And carefree Unburdened, even if this implies That I shall have to be penniless! Yes, there, scotched on the mountain side, I get to dream Of flying like birds Of flying without wings Of swimming in torrid waters Of touching the moon, while keeping my feet on Earth! Pray, I shall not get home tonight I shall sit and wait on the mountains for the moon to show up Who knows, I might turn into a werewolf Or meet a romantic vampire Who knows where my nature-bent imagination shall take me?

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2017

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First Halloween

I was yet a child
With a smile so sweet and a temper so mild
I was yet a child, so ecstatic
For it was here, at last, the night known to be so bleak

Halloween, here at last
Why, with honeyed candies shall I feel blessed
Even if to be all safe, I shall maybe have to seek the help of an exorcist
At last, at last, it is here, the night during which the living and the dead are entwined

Dressed as a little witch
I tried to make as if my tight clothes did not make my skin itch
I would scare the whole neighborhood
Indeed, so scared would the whole world be, that to me it would behave as one, so good!

I walked in the night, feeling so bold
Holding on to the fingers of my mother, holding on so hard
For the night was scary
Even if it did promise me more than a million candy

We walked in the neighborhood, trick and treating
My mound of treasure candy was growing
And my heart was beating
Surely, on this Halloween, I would be the great candy Queen!

Grand was the moon, so full and bright
It seemed to be made of fairies' light
Accompanying us in our spree
Giving us all the light we needed, for free

The night smelled of freshly mowed grass
The night smelled of pine leaves
The night smelled of romance
I could smell it all, even if I was still a young princess

Halloween night was marvelous
We saw all sorts of creatures roaming the night
We never knew which was human and which was supernatural
What mattered was only the magical night, seeming to be so precious

I came back home, and fell right on my bed, in deep sleep
The next morn did bid me to take the time to count my treasure
Why, I did become a Queen indeed
The Queen bearing all the candies, amassed in spooky trick or treating!

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2015

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My Secret

I hide in my heart,
A secret as syllabic
As a Shakespearean sonnet;
Yes, if revealed, it would have you
Melting with its sweetness,
Arousing you with its pulsating passions
And causing you to bite your lips for more of it!

I hide in my heart,
A secret as grandiose
As the reason why the Taj Mahal exists,
Yes, visiting it,
You would be overwhelmed by its essence
Wanting to live it too 
Wanting to have, for yourself,
A unique monument erected!

I hide in my heart,
A secret as deep as the depth of the night
When illumined it is,
Only by a sparkling moon
A moon sparkling so bright merely
Because it has closed its eyes
Unable to hold its blushes
As I reveal to it,
My hidden secret, in the form
Of lines and lines of poetic verses!

I hide in my heart,
A secret as moving as an epic love song
A love song which, when played,
Is powerful and rhythmic enough
As to have you cry over it
As it would bring out in you
Those lost emotions which make of you
A human being, kind, humble and compassionate!

I hide in my heart,
A secret,
One so mystical,
That its meaning is found in religion
One so fateful,
That its meaning has been set by the Gods
One so wonderful,
That it shall be captured someday,
In a book titled
The Story of My Life!

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2018

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Of Fatalism

My flowers had not yet even bloomed,
But evil demons gaped at me,
Lust making their eyes sparkle
And saliva drooling from their lips,
For the shade that my garden
Could give to their scorching skin

Their thirst pushed me towards an abyss
Falling into which
I stopped living,
Existing as a mere puppet would,
Needing only my food and my sleep to sustain myself!

But the abyss loved me
To such an extent
That it rejected me back to the surface
And morphed into a man
With eyes so deep
That gazing into them while he cured me,
I felt like I was floating in the abyss itself!

Cured, I was taught to fly
And while flying,
The skies whispered to me
Of those same words that they had spoken to us
Eons ago, but, which evil demons would only
Care to pretend to laugh about, for,
Being what they are implies
Being protected, at all levels, physically and spiritually!

But the bells of time shall ring
The dues will have to be paid
Since I never wished for this experience with death,
I had been pushed into it!
And when those bells shall ring,
My poetry shall heal the world over,
And I shall swim in the cool waters of the abyss,
There where I felt like I was its ruling queen!

13th August 2022
For Contest This or That, Vol 13
Contest Sponsor: Edward Ibeh

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2022

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The Sad Nocturnal Song of Frogs

The night is young
And enticing
Still, a lump weighs heavily on my heart
As I sit by the window
And reflect on the cause of life!

Pray, it would seem that, somehow
People get so engrossed in life
That they forget about its illusory power
Is it that they simply choose
To pretend to forget about it
And to concentrate on its joys!

Why, life bothers me
It moves me
It pains me
It is like a trap
A wonderful scene painted
Made of a most luscious clear watered pond
But, the moment you approach it
Creatures of darkness jump out
And pull you in,
In their cage where you become
Like laboratory rats spinning on wheels
Going faster and faster
Going nowhere
Yet, having to keep on moving
For such is what is expected!

Pray, the night is still young
Frogs croak tirelessly
Engaged in their own symphony
Leaves rattle by carelessly
Propelled by the winds
Rain drizzles over from the sky
And I can only think of that which life has taken from me
As well as that which I secretly desire
But which I may never get!

Pray, the lump weighing over my heart is growing
Almost as if it were a carnivorous plant
Existing there, in my inner garden
Ready to destroy everything that I treasure
From my memories
To my romantic aspirations!

Why, life is such
Made to be a mere game
Enacted by you and me
But being ruled by the powerful will of Fate
And Death!

Why, on this cold night
I can only sit and reflect
Saddened and burdened!

For Contest: 
Sad Free Verse 2017
Sponsored by Laura Loo
Written on 28 July 2017

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2017

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Lament of My Life

How regretful was I
To see my dead body from the sky
How regretful indeed
Why, with utmost sorrow, did my spirit bleed

In my early thirties was I still
Life, had I lived it according to my will
Yet, so many things were there for me to do
So many things had been left unsaid

I still had not published my works
I still had so many things to write about
I still had to say sorry, 
To remove from my enemy's face that pout

I still had to make the world understand me
That I was but a creature of humility
That proud I never had been, even if I had not mingled often
Even if I had always preferred to be alone

I still had to say I love you
To those who had wanted to be with me
To those who had helped in shaping me
To those, who, again, had never been able to understand me

I still had so many opportunities left
Yes, I had wanted to clear this world of its ill health
I had wanted to make my voice heard
As one with a vision, so unnerved

I still had to buy that fashionable dress
Even if it did cost more than what I did gain each month
I still had to please myself
For I did know that my life, as all the others, would last only a while

I still had to forgive
Those who did cause me to grieve
Those made of blinded arrogance
As to have caused me to choose, from them, another direction

I still had to learn
This world is so vast
That it is not easy to master it
Why, of its many secrets I had always wanted to be treated

Joyful I became though, when I saw in front me, the gates of Heaven
Thankful, for at least, while living, I never was mistaken
I did choose to believe in my faith
I did choose to bask not in that known as sin

Looking back at my lifeless body
I suddenly wished to be granted another chance
Another chance in this mundane reality
But then, the gates of Heaven did open

And I simply let myself get overwhelmed by its glory
Pray, have I always read in those books of faith
That one should never regret the mundane
For it was all false and illusory

So I walked on in this beautiful city
And forgot all about Earth
Indeed, life shall now be different
At last, Heaven was there for me to enjoy!

Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things