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Best Poems Written by Benjamin Bartley

Below are the all-time best Benjamin Bartley poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Not to belittle the real Church of God 
Not to belittle the real benefits of communion 
Not to belittle kneeling and praying for a miracle 
Not to belittle the laying of hands 
Not to belittle a good bear hug 
Not to belittle the hope of Christ’s return 
Not to belittle the Wrath of God 
Not to belittle the trials and tribulations of living 
Not to belittle delusions of grandeur 
Not to belittle the pain I feel 
Not to belittle wars and rumors of wars 
Not to belittle Global warming 
Not to belittle the great I AM 
Not to belittle the prophets of the Ages 
Not to belittle Buddha’s nonthought philosophy 
Not to belittle fairies in the flowers 
Not to belittle the sounds that Whale’s make 
Not to belittle the awe of a perfect Sunrise or Sunset 
Not to belittle the Man in the Moon 
Not to belittle Black Holes, Quasars and the immensity of the Universe 
Not to belittle microorganisms and viruses 
Not to belittle the glorious honey bee’s make 
Not to belittle the missing books in the Bible that women wrote 
Not to belittle the tear that trickles down my left eye 
Not to belittle sin and its impact on the human soul 
Not to belittle other people’s pain 
Not to belittle our belief that aliens are real 
Not to belittle my cat’s purring 
Not to belittle my neighbor’s beautiful lawn 
Not to belittle Superstar's getting rich, they deserve it 
Not to belittle being just a pawn 
Not to belittle the atrocities committed by Man 
Not to belittle feeling so alone in the Universe 
Not to belittle the pheromones of truth 
Not to belittle that The End is always near 
Not to belittle truth from the mouth of babes 
Not to belittle Bhai's attempt to unite religions 
Not to belittle the Sufi’s dance 
Not to belittle the Witch’s brew 
Not to belittle the Medicine of the Drum 
Not to belittle my belief in Pan 
Not to belittle the Heavy Metal screams 
Not to belittle pipe dreams and cold sweats 
Not to belittle the glow worm’s glow 
Not to belittle the lion’s roar 
Not to belittle when the earth quakes 
Not to belittle when volcano’s blow 

Not to belittle my belittling thots
                                                but Poetry Church is all I got.

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

A little Mixed up?

For us to
Grasp the Love
There are promises of . . .

Of us
The promises
Are there for
Love to grasp . . .

Grasp to us
For the promises of
Love are there . . .

There are promises
of us for
Love to grasp the . . .

The promises of Love
Are there for us to

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

Otherworldly Anomaly

It’s a long journey 
from where I’m from. Light years away. 
And then some. 
Your TV transmissions kept me entertained. 
But the News worried me. Perhaps more than it should have. 
Upon my arrival I integrated with your species 
via DNA infusion, transfusion, or trans mutationally. 
One of those anyway. 
There was supposed to have been two of me 
but my Siamese twin died at childbirth, or sooner. 
I was closer to the placenta, I suppose. 
We were attached bi-fid thumbs. 
We both had 12 toes. One for every month of your year. 
And added together, for every month of ours. 
He’s still with me. I call him my guardian angel. 
Or perhaps, I’m still with him. Who knows? And, who knows what he calls me. 
We both like beer. That much I do know. 
We both like science fiction books and movies. 
And we both share an energy that’s 
Out of this world. 
Sometimes, streetlamps go out when I walk by them. 
And I’ve been shocked by electricity so many times. I’ve lost count. 
I’m an electric Magnant. And I have an enigmatic personality. 
That’s the human DNA in me’s opinion. 
I’m really way more Pan like than human. 
Animals flock to me when I play my bamboo flute. Sometimes, even humans. 
I really stink when I sweat. And I love to dance. 
And when I get angry, which is rare, I feel like I could just explode. 
I fear one day that I just might.  And if I do, 
I hope it will be a glorious explosion! 
Better that than focusing it on Earth’s core. 
I have no idea what I may be capable of . . .  
I’d rather not think about it. I better not . . .  
think about it.  It’s just better not to. 
So sorry about that, tangent. 
On a more positive note . . . 
I love Jesus.  Though His Old Testament Dad 
Never seemed so perfect to me.  Nor compassionate. 
Strangely jealous, and downright not a nice Guy at all. 
Kicking Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden just for eating some fruit.
And not wanting to walk around naked. Though I like walking around naked.
New Testament Dad is perhaps a bit more grown up.
Sending us His Son and all. 
I also like Buddha and his nonthought philosophy.  
Though I have a hard time not thinking, period. 
I like Kishna, for obvious reasons, Him playing flute and all. 
And I love Medicine Women. I’m feeling more shamanistic by the day. 
And my hair is turning grey at about the same pace. 
You’d think by now I’d know my mission? 
But I still don’t. 
I’m certainly not qualified to be anyone’s judge. 
I’m a sinner just like the lot of us. 
And I haven’t experienced Love enough to my satisfaction to say 
that I really know what It is. 
I do know Heaven can wait. And that Hell 
is far too eager to meet me.  It can just wait too! 
What I mean to say
is that there’s still so much more to learn . . .  
                                                                   about you all.

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

In Another Dimension

There’s a place, a space 
Parallel to ours 
I wear the same face 
Have the same shoe size 
But I wear fancier duds 
It's a suit and tie 
My hair is short, not long 
I’m not sad there, I’m smiling 
There must be no one to beware of 

When I look in the mirror 
I can kinda see him there 
Staring back at me, somehow, I can tell 
We don’t believe in God 
Or heaven and hell 
My vocation, my education 
Is just beyond my comprehension 
What is it that I do, exactly 
In that other dimension 

A world without war 
Where people live without fear 
Without wheels, or tears 
No one seems to cry 
I can only wonder why 
No TV, or phones smarter than me 
I’m still old but younger 
Younger than here, anyway 
I don’t walk with a limp, or carry a cane 
I seem a little less insane 

I can see a toothbrush 
On the bathroom sink 
Hygiene is just as important 
As it is here 
I probably don’t stink as much 
As I do here 
Even though I don’t see any deodorant 
Like I have here 
I’m all clean shaven 
Not like here with my beard 
But I'm not seeing any razor either, there 

I can only wonder what I’m thinking 
Or what I dreamt the night before 
Who is this guy?  Staring back at me 
Who does he see; does he even see me here? 
Perhaps he can’t 
He’s got his mind intact 
Not like me whose sanity is packed 
Tightly around my neck 
Making it hard for me to breath 
He seems so much more at ease 
Perhaps there is no disease there, either 

Behind him, I can barely make out 
That there’s a picture hanging there 
A painting, of course, they have artists too 
Of course they do, of course they do 
I think it’s a family portrait 
So, he’s not alone, like me 
He looks so strong and confident 
No glasses resting on his nose 
No wrinkles on his forehead 
He doesn’t have a pierced left ear 
His head is slightly tilted, perhaps it’s on his right 
I can also see a clock 
I can almost hear it ticking 
Away time, my mind, my heart

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

Poetry Therapy

Someone gently rolls me over
Onto this white slab, belly down
And I wait    ...    like forever

Or at least it seems like forever, anyway

Above me is a mirror, 
So, I turn my head and strain to see it -
In seeing Runic inscriptions there on my backside,
I try to read them but can't ...
I can't interpret their meaning

Then, this drill of light
Comes and hovers over me.
I flip like a fish out of water
And I'm blinded out of my body

I can remember it now -
I fell into a deep
Strange awareness
That I was being abducted by aliens
Or was coming to in the middle of surgery

I was exposed, naked, and scared out of my wits -
That's when I began to write

And I haven't stopped since ...

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

Hope is Dope

I don't know if
God is Dead or Alive.
But I do know that
I'm not yet.
And if you're reading this
Neither are you.
I don't know if
I can change your mind
Or enrich your heart.
But I do know
That even in my pain
And the pain of the world
And all the trials and tribulations
That life throws at us,
We're all in this together.
Whether we like it or not.
Overpopulation is a problem.
Pollution is a problem.
Racism is problem.
There's Global Warming, Greed, Hunger, the Poor.
The list goes on and on ...
Extinction is not a solution aka war.
There are so many religions
With so many languages
That say they have the truth.
We are not alone.
We have each other.
Only we can save each other.
If only we could just 
Give love a chance ...
Will you? Will you
Let love save you?

If only Hope was Dope.
I'd become its dealer.
Give it away for free.
And get everyone addicted!

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

A Theistic Cyborg, Part II

Little gods inside my heart 
     where pumping blood is an art. 

 With a mind of their own 
     doth these gods call me home. 

 Little gods with golden hair and a quantum halo 
     perform their task with utmost care as if they were from Cairo. 

 Confined within a job to do
     never resting, always true. 

 Little gods never skip a beat 
      yet one slips beneath his feet. 

 Oxygenating all my cells 
     Is he under the One God’s spell? 

 Then he squeezes up my aortic arch 
     and down through the arterial flow
           struggling against the downward stream . . . 

 He flies out into the world, out my finger’s cut 
     and screams -- 
                    “What the . . .”

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

Okay KK

It's because of ya ya ya you
I'm ashamed to be wa wa wa white
Don't be sus sus sus suprised If I don't fa fa fa forgive you or f f f fight
All I can sa sa sa say is ga ga ga go castrate yourself
And sssstring yourself up like blood fruit
From a ta ta ta tree or a ca ca ca cross
You're all la la la lost and fa fa fa far from being superior
So pa pa pa please, go da da da dig your own grave and jump in
For there's nothing to win when you're ju ju ju  just wrong
No songs will be sus sus sus sung in your honor
Ka ka ka keep hiding your head in your hu hu hu hood
You all look like ghosts to mum mum mum me anyway
As a mum mum mum matter of fffffact, you're all du du du dead inside
And you'll never be fu fu fu fffreee and you'll never be gu gu gu good
As of lu lu lu lu late you just lllllive in hate
The p p p p pain you inflict will never be right
May the ra ra ra rains fall hard on your night
May your da da da dreams never ca ca ca come true
But mum mum mum mmmaybe one day you mum mum mmmay see the light
Just ta ta ta take off your ru ru robe and ba ba ba burn   it   in   plain    sight
And re re rejoin the hu hu human race, stop ba ba ba bummin me out
It's just plain da da da dumb, dumb, dumb dumb
Idiocracy at its wa wa wa worst!
Ju ju ju just leave us all alone and ga ga ga go sa sa sa suck on a bone
I'll never wa wa wa walk in your sha sha sha shoes, in  fu fu fu  fact
You sh sh sh should take yours off
And ra ra ra roam until your fa fa fa feet ba ba ba bleed
Mummummum maybe then you just might see
Who am I kidding?
You'll never see the truth the way that you are
You're just too ruthless, it's sa sa sa ssso ba ba ba bizarre
So, do us all a favor and take a knife to your throat
'Cause you've missed the ba ba ba boat
No ka ka ka coins on your eyes will make you fa fa fa float
 Or sus sus sus save your soul!
It's just not oh ku ku ku ka ka ka kay to be you!
It's not okay! Kay kay kay
Okay? kay! KKK
It's not okay!

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem


Who says that books can't have babies
or be dead

Who says on another planet or airplane
that people aren't read instead

And the books might say,
"You can't read a person by its cover --
yellow, brown, white or red."

"Everything is possible
when the imagination is concerned.
All one has to do is look --
on the pages, the mind
the heart; right Fred?"

"Right Ned."

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024

Details | Benjamin Bartley Poem

Hot Poetry Soup

I like my soup hot.
Slurping the edge of the bowl carefully
So as not to get burnt.
These aromatic words are better than any drug.
But just as addictive ... with no hangover.
Though sometimes it still gets me high.
Or makes me cry with its blatant honesty.
So, I thank you, you Wizards of culinary delights.
For easing my hunger pains. Teasing my taste buds.
Inspiring me to be a better cook.
I feel less like a stranger in a strange kitchen.
With thousands of friends with their tongues in my ear.
Stirring up the pot in my soul. Tantalizing my dreams.
And when my bowl is empty, you leave me craving for more.
You and I are not a lost Art in some back ally squat.

Thank you for letting me sit at your table.
And you're always welcome at mine.

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs