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Best Poems Written by Crystol Woods

Below are the all-time best Crystol Woods poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Star-Gazer Lillies

A flower for dreamers
For explorers of the unknown
The pungent perfumed petals
Will permeate a home

Nothing compares to the 
memories Scent recalls
Like a silk thread, 
Tied to stems, 
Connecting all

A zip line of sweet smelling savores
Special moments gone by
We remember them all
My star gazer lilies and I.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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I used to live in a world of need
A dreadful scary place indeed
Needing something God won't give
Yet needing a wicked miracle to live
No food was ever needed more
Water could never tempt me sore
Not love, nor family entice
Not greed or power even might
No promises of healing be believed
Nothing else could fill this need.
The world  faded to shades of gray
No thought of the time ticking away
No care for others,  so then i knew
I was changed completely as this need grew
In its cocoon kindness turned
Gone or decayed all goodness learned
Truth made into a tangle of lies
Beauty metamorphosised
Oozing out of the shell I'd made
Ugliness and now nearer  the grave
Why only judgment? Why does no one care?
“Well…did you ask?” No! I didn't dare!
There will be demands, I'd be force-fed.
“Who would offer a stone to a child asking for bread?”
Expectations, Things I know I can't do.
“You can do all things through Christ, who loves you.”
What if I fail, And everyone knows my sin?
“Take no thought for tomorrow,I've already been.”
Okay, I said, what do I need do?
“Just reach out for me, as I'm reaching for you.”

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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Thank you, Mary

For Tom, Thomas Woodward. They say imitation is the purest form of flattery! <3

Thank you, Mary 

I heard a tale today about Mary Roger's
Her story broke my heart and made me cry. 
Sometimes life's too cruel/ but there's ought that we can do
But pray for the lost souls like Mary Rogers.

I hope you will not mind, friend of Mary's 
If I use your form and rhyme about Mary
This touched my tender heart/ that's all I need to start
A poem or a song like Mary Roger's. 

I've felt that cold despair, dearest Mary
Wolves wicked teeth will tear those like Mary
But Thomas reminded me today/Paradise is on the way
A happy ending for you and me, sweet Mary Rogers.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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Poetry Soup Kitchen

Poetry Soup Kitchen

On a dark and stormy night, when the temperature plummeted to zero below,
A poor soul was lost and frozen, in the cold and blinding snow.
All was darkness, all was quiet, all around, until just a tiny glimmer of light far away was found. 
Nearly frozen to the bone and feeling so alone,
The lost soul stirred at the sight, one hope that yonder glows.
One weary foot into deep cold snow, then the next, and again, he made his way into the night, pressing against the wind. 
The light grew brighter as each step brought him closer yet, to a home with windows alight, him shivering and wet.
A sign, nearly covered with ice and diamond flecks of snow,
Ungloved,frozen hand wipes it away, so the words would show...
“Wordtown Wanderers Poetry Soup Kitchen, won't you please come inside?”
Knock knock, ding dong, then the door opens wide!
Light, heat, voices, and smells of food, no lie…
More signs with more words to read, instruction, and directions explain…
 no person greets the weary stranger, the silence around was strained. 
Following the signs, both written, heard, and smelled, 
The Wanderer enters to see letters on every shelf!
His mouth began to water, so hungry and thirsty was he,
So he got into the line with others like him so it seemed. 
Along the wall were tables, with huge steaming soup pots.
People standing behind them, to serve you what they got.
Finally, he arrived at the front and with a huge bowl and plate,
He was served a little from every pot,and then sat down and ate.
Oh! heaven in the first bite! Warm and  meaningful words, a bite from each offering brought tastes he'd never before heard.
Feeling so welcome and satisfied, the stranger fell asleep…
… Only to wake the next day with consequences to Reap.
The people who had served him such fancy beautiful prose,
Said that tonight was his turn to share recipes he knows!
“You will cook your own soup today and serve it to us tonight,
Don't you worry, we've all been there, beginners, so it's alright.”
The stranger decided to do his best to return the kindness shown,
For the next few hours he poured his heart into  soup of his own!
A dash of melancholy, a pinch of descriptive prose, don't forget good Grammar, and metaphor, a big dose!
Everything he needed to make his poetry in the big soup pot…
The kitchen had an abundance, all the words were all in stock.
When dinner time came around his hands began to shake…
What if they don't like the kind of soup I make?
The line began,a bowl in hand, the people all were served.
Then such a silence fell, no noise ,no not a word !
Then a loud clatter as a woman dropped her spoon…
She stood and started a slow clap. Then each one of the others did too!
Applause rang out as someone gave a shout and the stranger, a stranger no more, started to cry but on his anxious face was the biggest smile he'd ever worn before!
From that day on the ‘not a stranger’, ate so many unique and wonderful things,
And shared his recipes and soup and today his heart Sings!
Every once in a blue moon, when temperatures sink really low, they get another stranger to come in from the cold.
They welcome everyone with a warm and full bowl, they share their love and heart with this poetry soup for the soul. 

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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Only Human

Only Human

Sleepy seeds and 
morning breath;
Scratch the itch,
 brush with Crest.
Funky smell
 from my sit down place,
I'll have to change,
what a waste.
Sweaty hands,
dirty nails,
Shower's cold,
never fails.
Pop the zit,
 on my chin,
We humans are
Stain on toilet,
clean it soon,
In laws visit, 
use bathroom.
Spend all day,
 clean and polish,
No one comes,
till it's demolished.
Doing laundry, 
folding socks,
Not six but five…
hold self and rock.
Making meatloaf, 
7:30 sharp,
Forgot hamburger,
 in shopping cart.
Order pizza,
I just don't care,
forgotten I'm,
 paycheck impaired.
Eating tuna,
straight from the can,
go to bed,
and start again.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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The Sorrow of the Skies

The Sorrow of the Skies

The sun and the moon were once great lovers
In ancient days gone by.
The clouds formed from their sorrow, and the rain, when they would cry. 
For this pitiable couple were cruelly cursed to be apart,  alas, 
To share the same vast blue home forever, but only distantly could pass. 
The sun on the side of the bright days, 
The moon on the dark night's side …and when one was fully visible, the other had to hide. 
Who cursed this pair, so sweetly in love, to be near but always too far?
The jealous, mischievous Little lights, the bitter, hateful stars.
So when sadly we are witnesses when true love sometimes goes truly bad, 
We say the lovers are “star-crossed”, for the stars crossed out the love they had.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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Look Closely

Look Closely

Black silk top hat
Upon greasy hair sat

White gloved, quick hands
Graceful gestures, gestures grand

Speaks nonsense but mostly, 
"Watch me now,  look closely!"

Sly smile, glint in eye
"You sucker", they imply

Swift movements over here
Draw my eyes, my gaze steer

Magic moving fast and ghostly
He continues to croon, "look closely"

The ears hear but not the eyes
"Look closely", magic lies.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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I may be a deity, but I do not truly know.
The people talk about me, but have never told me so.
They gather all around me like a holy worship ring...
Staring into my illuminating depths..
I am mesmerizing.

My powers are used to nourish 
and also, to protect.
 I may sustain a life, 
or give a fearful, painful death. 
I was created with a positive
 and a negative side.
The power I can lend you, 
may even let you fly!

 Humans will offer the most sacrifice, 
In the times of bitter cold and snow. 
The trinity of Light, heat, and smoke, 
Follow whereever I go.

I am a light in the dark.
I am ultimate power.
I am complete destruction...
 In a negligent hour. 
I am zeal and passion,
Desire, and hungry heat,
 You pray I am controlled 
Whenever we may meet.
I am comfort and warmth, 
To those tired, stressed out souls,
I am always needed
When survival is the goal. 

 I soften and blur rough edges, 
and I keep secrets safe. 
Like a thief I'll steal your treasures...
                                                         ...And like magic, I erase.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

Details | Crystol Woods Poem

Light Is Life

Light Is Life

The sun looks different when Spring is here
Lining up through the sky to my window
Eerie sometimes, or confusing, I peer
This weird light shines it's bright Life giving glow. 

First, the green sprouts of the yellow flower
Poking up through frozen ground into light
Witnessing this Springs refreshing power
I observe living things give birth with fight

Tiny seeds of promise not forgotten
In wombs of soil or gentle, fertile flesh
Time ensues to bring us the begotten
Together Life, hope, love will mix, will mesh. 

The thirst for life, the hunger, must be there
For Spring is light, light is Life, everywhere.

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024

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You Are Always On My Mind: A Note From Your Stalker

You Are Always on my Mind: A Note From Your Stalker

Today I saw you leaving
I watched you pull away
Then I jumped into my car
And followed you all day
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind

I love the way you dance
Like no one is watching you
And how you make funny faces
Like your curtains aren't see through
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind

Tell me…that you'll never cut down your back yard tree
Give me…give me one more chance in your bathroom to peek
And I'll take a little peek.

You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind. 

Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs