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Best Poems Written by Edward Wraith

Below are the all-time best Edward Wraith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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To My Muse

All night I was ensnared by the thought of you,
An unexpected yet enchanting muse,
Lost in the labyrinth of your deep, haunting eyes,
A smoldering ember of desire within me lies.

Your passionate whispers, a seductive symphony,
Unapologetic affection setting us both free.
To trace the trails of your warm, silken skin,
Knocking softly at your door, as you let me in.

Your embrace, a refuge from the chill of the night,
As we entwine beneath the moon’s silver light,
Breathless sighs and fervent moans,
You ascend atop me, you’re my queen and I’m your throne

In this nocturnal realm, you reign supreme,
A midnight monarch in a gothic dream.

Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

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The Hypocrite

The Hypocrite

The Doubter hides behind religious guise,
Mistakes the raven for the pigeon in darkened skies.
His words beguile, twisting my skeletal fancy into a deceitful smile,
Espousing, “Darkness must be exposed by light”, all the while.
Release the Red Death Demon; give him an awful fright,
His impious shield of scripture fails against the night.

He preaches, "Kind words mend hearts, spirits ascend high,"
Yet barbed hypocrisy spreads, insipid platitudes take to the sky.
Spewing insolence on me and belittling with scorn,
Ripping hearts asunder, leaving broken spirits forlorn.

Yearning for light, yet veiled in religious guise,
Scoffing at Poe's gothic tales, behind pride's mask he hides.
Virtue signaling, claiming moral high ground,
But beneath the facade, echoes of pedantry abound.

An artist, a dreamer, a visionary, the bard claims to be,
"Agape love is the key," grandstanding for all to see.
Yet I, labeled "PSYCHO” in haste, these sentiments don’t reflect me.
For he knows naught of the darkness endured under violence's heir,
In nights wet with tears, gripped by my father's terror.
Am I undeserving of divine care?

Advocates for grace, yet shuns those in need,
Casting judgment with self-righteous creed.
His bigoted lips stuttering "Hallelujah," lacking praise sincere,
His pallid "Alleluia" fades in sanctimonious veneer.
A fallacious friend, a charlatan with deceitful intent,
His indignant hypocrisy knows no relent.

Proclaims peace, but pious actions call for blood,
Shunning us, the downtrodden, dragged through the mud.
Label me as 'evil', deemed lesser than thee,
Yet your moral compass falters in duplicity.

Atop his soapbox, venomous seeds he sows,
Slandering lost souls, spreading deceit as he goes.
A babbler of falsehoods, in darkness he'll debate,
Redemption lost, abatement comes too late.
Cloaked in false humility, pride leads him astray,
His self-righteous path leads only to dismay.

Alas! Plutonian specters gather at his side,
As the tolling clock tower heralds his demise—nowhere to hide.
Cast into the abyss, his blasphemous lips are stitched,
Bound by mournful threads, a silent scream of dreadful pitch.
In the shadows of his deceit, he finds no reprieve,
Condemned to silence, his lies tightly weave.

In shadowed sepulcher, where fate is sealed,
Adrift in purgatory, sins revealed.
No hymns sung at his grave, no tears to cleanse,
For his moral hypocrisy, no recompense.

Beneath the cold marble tombstone, he lies forsaken,
In the Pit where the Pendulum swings—his soul shaken.
You dared to kick the crypt of Edward Wraith, 
Now in my lair, an eternal torment of writhing despair,
As my devilish raven's caw resounds in the air.


Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

That was Then, and This is Now

That was Then, and This is Now

In the crypt of our loves memory, we danced so free,
Our romance, a cursed flame, burned with spectral glow.
But secrets, whispers from the damned, you see,
Now haunt this desolate heart with bitter, icy woe.

Thy deceitful touch, a venomous bite, I now know,
That hath passed from then, to now.

Thy laughter once, a haunting dirge so sweet,
Our dreams of an eternal union, pure and true.
But lies now stain the sacred vows we'd greet,
And trust, like a shattered vase, lies strewn askew.

Thy beloved promises now broken, I avow,
That hath passed from then, to now.

The poison upon thy lips, the accursed kiss still stings,
Each deceitful syllable, a phantom’s scream, tears my soul.
In the pit of despair, echoes of love's anthem rings,
Now consumed by the lies that devour it whole.

Thy pleas for moral absolution, I disallow,
That hath passed from then, to now.

As the raven of betrayal seeks to amend its weary prey,
Thy sharp talons, ripping out my heart's core.
Once deemed invincible, our love, now rent in disarray,
Drifting further apart, forevermore.

No longer shall I heed thy entreaties, in sorrow we shall bow,
That hath passed from then, to now.

Memories of our cursed love, linger in the mist,
I'll forge ahead, embracing the darkness that we sow.
For in the ruins of our buried love, lost to a fateful tryst,
The price of your betrayal, in blood, I shall bestow.

Thus, that hath been us then, and this is I now!

Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

A Father's Decree

In realms beyond, where shadows dance with glee,
Draw near, sweet child, and heed my decree.
Though my earthly form resides, in silent repose,
My essence endures, as life’s eternal cycle flows.

Fear not the cold, silent stone’s embrace,
For here, pitting bones and rotting flesh replace.
Seek instead the dawn’s hallowed, new light,
Enveloped in warm laughter, shared by friendships tight.

In your veins, my presence forever flows,
A soothing rhythm, amidst life’s highs and lows.
Through raging storms and stinging rain, I’ll be near,
In every Spring’s bloom, my presence vibrant and clear.

Discover me in the symphony of the surging sea,
In the starry night’s celestial harmony.
Like the moonbeams that color your eyes so bright,
I am your guide in the darkest of night.

I am the courage in your soul’s embrace,
The inner voice guiding you, through life’s relentless race.
Embrace all the world, let your free spirit soar,
For within its depths, I live on forevermore.

Treasure the memories, laughter, and love we’ve sown,
But know this, dear child, you are never alone.
In every sunrise, painting the sky with hues so rare,
I’ll be the golden warmth, a love beyond compare.

One day, an affair grand, we’ll rejoice again,
Ascending Heaven’s stairs together, hand in hand.


Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

Within Me

Within Me

Trapped within, a tempest roars,
Where demons dance and anguish pours,
In the haunted halls of my soul's estate,
Dwells a darkness deep, where love and hate await.

Restless whispers haunt my nights,
As looming shadows creep by candlelight.
No solace found in solitude’s embrace,
My heart’s dark chambers, devoid of grace.

Born in the chill of midnight's breath,
Spectral ink stains, a story of death.
Amidst the oppressive gloom, a black rose unfolds,
A bloom of despair, and desires untold.

With fervor, I ignite the garden I've sown,
Where thorns entwine and pain is shown.
Yet beneath the ashes, a spark remains,
A yearning for absolution in silent refrains.

I drown my sorrows in spirits' fire,
Yet they fuel the flames of my woes of dire.
Lost in the abyss, where guilt does thrive,
Selfishly, my blood is let, just to feel alive.

My soul lies numb, no solace near,
Dark and cold, consumed by fear.
Forgiveness, love, mere echoes in the dark,
Tattered wings, broken halos, a shattered ark.

Within, the seeds of anger and angst,
Dark, demonic powers of strength.
Retribution and vengeance, tales no more,
A path to peace, a distant shore.

In life's crucible, love and hate entwine,
Damned forever, by fate's cruel design.
Yet in the silence, a dove's cry resounds,
Hope and despair, a dark pall on the battleground

Locked within this labyrinth of despair,
I seek redemption in the midnight air.
For though the tempest may rage and roar,
A devilish raven taps at my heart's door.


Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

A Fading Ember

         A Fading Ember

In shadows cast by waning light,
A love once vivid, now takes flight.
Our candle that once burned so bright,
Now stings of a cold, harsh night.

I see the distance in your eyes,
Reflecting echoes of love's goodbye,
Emptiness in your silent stare,
A longing that lingers in the air.

A love that danced has lost its grace,
Fading memories, a bitter taste,
Sarcasm drips from lips once sweet,
A love turned sour, our hearts retreat.

In the veins of passion, ice takes hold,
Your touch, once warm, now a numbing cold,
Isolation wraps around us tight,
Loneliness now our silent plight.

The flame that once danced, now just a wisp,
A puff of smoke on a burnt-out wick.
A love once radiant, turned to rust,
In silent ruins, we return to dust.

Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

Eternal Embrace: A Love Story

Beneath the moon’s haunting silver sheen,
Where whispers of cold night winds convene.
In dreams’ labyrinth, we’ll intertwine,
Amid shadows cast by the pale moon’s sign.

Across the veil, our spirits entwine,
In a macabre dance, your heart in mine.
In a spider’s loom, our destiny spun,
In cobwebbed bonds, our souls are one.

So fear not, my love, for I am near,
In every sigh, in every tear.
In the darkest depths of Gothic night,
I am your phantom, your guiding light.

Beneath the ivy, where passions lie,
In cryptic vows that never die.
Haunted chambers of ancient lore,
Our love endures, forevermore.

Where tombstones mark our resting place,
Locked in love’s eternal embrace.


Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

My Mistress, the Moon

My Mistress, the Moon

From mine chamber, breathless and perspiring upon the bed,
I spy you there, out my window, looming overhead.
Your gaze, a silent arbiter in the night,
I cloak my naked shame, to veil my plight.
Reigning atop her celestial silver throne,
While I, lie with a lover not of my own,
Broken vows flee like ravens in the night,
And you, casting shadows of guilt in your light.
Glistening spectral tendrils adorn the wet cobblestone, 
Where I and my lovely paramour have dared to roam.
With discreet footsteps, we clandestinely meet,
And you, with your enchanting freckled glow, how sweet.
Soft beams gently caress her alabaster cheek,
Lost in each other’s eyes, passionate and weak.
Reflected in her amorous gaze, I see your ethereal glow,
A witness to our sinful secrets, only you know.

Beneath the silvered shroud of your alluring gleam,
Our love, a surreptitious waltz in a moonlit dream.
In intimate whispers and fervent glance,
You orchestrate this forbidden romance.

The conductor of a symphony of sin,
Our affair, a soiled tapestry, unraveling from within.
In the dark chambers of my heart, you are the phantom spike,
The harbinger of this dreadful plight.

From my bed, to the window’s edge, I drew near,
An inquiring voice, “What troubles thee, my Dear”?
“’Tis naught, my Darling, j’st——the moon’s, cold stare”,
All the while, a laden heart, wrought with despair. 
For my spirit is torn between duty and desire,
Engulfed by passion’s flames, intense blue fire.
From my window to the heavens, I plea my discontent, 
To the pale blue eye above, I solemnly lament:

“O Moon, in thy spectral light aglow,
Release my soul’s despairing woe.
In thy celestial realm, I lay bare my sins,
Where shame deepens, and remorse’s tide begins.
Cast thy luminous gaze upon my plight,
Guide me towards redemption’s forgiving light.
For in thy ethereal embrace, I plead release,
From guilt’s relentless grip, grant me peace.
Lead me, O Moon, through this sinful night,
In thy mercy, permit my spirit respite.”
Beneath your fading glow, the whispers of love wane,
As I bid adieu to this fleeting masquerade, 
Sun cresting the horizon, she reaches for the door, 
The time has come, farewell my muse, 
my lovely paramour.


Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

My Silent Companion: A Sonnet for Shadow

In depths of solitude, I stand forlorn,
With shadow as my sole and steadfast friend.
By society shunned, from kinship torn,
I ponder on life's edge, its bitter end.

Upon the bridge, where thoughts of ending bloom,
My shadow's form beside me makes its stand.
This grim moment, midst the gathering gloom,
I gasp, “l'm not alone in this bleak land!”

For shadow's silent vigil, ever true,
Has walked with me through life's relentless strain.
In every trial, every triumph too,
He’s been my constant, through both loss and gain.

So, ‘neath moon’s light, and night’s cold embrace,
My shadow stands, my solace and my grace.


For within you resides immeasurable worth!

You are not alone in this world.
You are not alone in the struggles of this life.
If you are having a difficult time, feeling overwhelmed and overburdened, there is help out there.
It is OK to share your struggles and talk to someone.
Call 988 for help
Text 988 for support
Visit: 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline for support

Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Edward Wraith Poem

Poe’s Hourglass: A Melancholic Decree

Poe’s Hourglass: A Melancholic Decree

Once upon a midnight dreary,
As sands slip through life’s hourglass, eerie,
I pondered upon my penitent past,
And the regrets that will forever last.

Time, that wicked thief, has stolen away,
Leaving behind fragments of my yesterday.
Each grain, a specter, fell with a sigh,
A haunting reminder of moments gone by.

Regrets, like phantoms,  torment my soul,
Their presence an anguish I cannot control.
Paths untrodden, chances missed,
Eternally trapped in a remorseful abyss.

The hourglass, a harbinger of mortality,
Hath measured my existence with cruel finality.
As grains descend, my heart doth weep,
Lost in the void of time, where plutonian specters meet. 

In vain, I grasped at the sands so fleet,
But they slipped through my fingers with deceit. 
A pallid burden I could not divest,
Heavy upon my chest, a weight doth rest.

O’ time! That cruel, relentless foe,
With each passing moment, thy presence dost grow.
No respite, no solace, can I find,
Like a thief in the night, gone is my time.

And now, in the dark recesses of my desolate mind, 
I find sorrow in the verses I bind.
For in these words, I resurrect demons of the past,
And find memories mournful, that will forever last.

In the style of Poe, I lament the unyielding sands of time,
A symbol of life’s ever fleeting, haunting rhyme.
Regrets! Regrets, forever thy shall be,
In the hourglass of life, a melancholic decree.

And as the sands doth slip, and the ravens soar,
I hear the whispers of, “Nevermore”.


Copyright © Edward Wraith | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs