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Best Poems Written by Robert Sidwell

Below are the all-time best Robert Sidwell poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Lighthearted Peek At The Apocalyptic World Of Poetry Contests

This contest style’s description is one I’ve never heard
I’m unfamiliar with that particular word 
An internet search comes up empty 
However, others seem to have poems aplenty 
My eyes are getting blurry a total collapse seems imminent 
Quickly penning an entry appears to be the only way out of my predicament 
My freshly emerged imposter’s syndrome is now on full display
As I throw words together to prayerfully send a piece on its way
Whoops, I don’t believe the lines above were exact rhymes
I wonder if I will get disqualified this time 
I see it is quintessential to utilize the word “quintessential”
Unfortunately, that stretches me to also use a word like “nonextensile”
Argh!  I just realized I’m not counting my meter
I promise I’m not purposefully being a cheater 
Oh well, competitions are all in good fun, 
   even if they drive you a bit crazy
You just have to be creative, put in the work, 
   and not . . . something, something lazy

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

If I Were Your Smartphone

If I was your smartphone
You would talk to me for hours
If I was your smartphone
You would hold me and make sure I was safe
If I was your smartphone
You would keep me close and check on me often
If I was your smartphone
You would trust me and ask me for help
If I was your smartphone
You would rely on and be grateful for me
If I was your smartphone
You would be excited when I sought your attention
If I was your smartphone 
You would make sure my battery was charged
If I was your smartphone
You would play games with me and think I was fun
If I was your smartphone
You would whisper into my ear and share your secrets
If I was your smartphone 
Imagine all the wonderful times we would share 
If only
I was your smartphone

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

Let’s Hang Upon A Star

Let’s hang upon a star 
     my friend 
And travel upon roads 
     that have no end
For today I peered upon your face 
     and reclaimed forgotten dreams
Then whitewashed memories 
     of earthly chaotic scenes

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

How to Survive A Cold And Weary World - an Easter Story by the Arctic Lily

The arctic poppy 
stretched into existence 
rooted on a rock
surrounded by ice
it unfurled
its lemon cream petals 
in an open embrace
with the sun
the small meek flower
filled with warmth
and smiled

A scorpionfly 
buzzed by
and declared,
“How tedious it must be
to spend one’s day
staring at a ball of light. 
tantalize your eyes
with the earthly
fun, glory, and excitement 
around you!
intertwine their limbs and horns,
frolic and dance, and
to show off
their fine 
layered with a  
multitude of
colors and textures.”
But, the quiet flower
gazed only at the sun.

A wolf spider 
dropped by 
and persuaded,
“Poor child,
snow completely 
surrounds you.
Ice even grows 
from your stem and hairs.
It’s okay 
to surrender 
for a moment.
Droop your head
curl in your petals
and rest your eyes.
But, the yellow bloom 
only turned more golden 
as it kept its eyes steady 
upon the fiery globe above

A grey wolf 
its eyes always darting
padded quietly up to our hero
and whispered,
“This is a dangerous land
and you are much too sweet.
Of course,
you’re safe from me.
there’s a reindeer nearby 
and I am afraid
to it 
you are prey.
Be safe!
But, the poppy resolutely
stood more erect
while its sight
never wavered 
from the great light in the sky

A grizzly bear 
although seemingly in a hurry
looked down down down 
upon the humble poppy
and growled,
“Don’t you know 
that winter is coming?
There’s far too much 
to be done
for one to take time
to stare at the sun!
Be intelligent 
and focus
on the tasks
of the world.
Heed my word 
or perish
little one.”
But, the arctic poppy 
to keep its sights
on celestial heights

And the seasons changed 
And the snow piled high
And the faithful flower was buried

And the seasons changed
And the snow melted
And the devoted flower returned 

For you see
this plant 
had learned from
centuries old memories 
of One 
who perfectly 
kept His sight 
upon The Light
was buried
and rose again

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

ice on my window

ice on my window
falling snow, falling eyelids
freezing makes me warm

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

Finding Fun On A Budget Part 3 - The Great Beef Jerky Ride

Not an amusement park in sight 
So, we headed to the mountains 
No bumper cars, roller coasters,
Spinning cups, or dancing fountains
We diligently searched
For something to stimulate our hype
At last we spotted a
Near perpendicular metal irrigation pipe
Without a pod, a seat, or even some grease
The tube had way too much drag
A quick search of our backpacks 
Revealed an empty beef jerky bag
I volunteered to go first and 
Attempt our unusual ride
The others cheered and stepped back 
To get a better look at our very long slide
I scrambled on the drain, carefully sat down … 
And shot off like a bullet
It hurt so bad when I landed
For a year, I could barely even sit on a toilet

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

Finding What Was Lost

“It’s in there!” 
The frizzy haired woman insisted with mirth in her eye.
“But, how?”
I asked beseechingly.
She gave a mischievous laugh from impish lips in reply 
And then skipped merrily on her way.
The most precious thing I ever lost 
Contained in a small puzzle box?
I paused.
No, I knew what the lady said to be true.
I could hear the enchanted object 
Whispering to me
In an unfamiliar language 
That my heart somehow understood.  
I was missing a precious commodity. 
Something very special.
My memory could only see vague outlines.
However, I was confident
A magnificent treasure 
Lied within the small chest.
Now focused, 
The mystery of unlocking the chest came naturally.
With greedy eagerness 
I quickly opened that which held me back 
From my forgotten prize.
And . . .
The chamber was empty 
Save a simple unframed mirror 
Taped to the inside of the lid.
I remembered the woman with a playful smile 
And thought, 
“Is this a woeful attempt at a joke?!”
I started to seethe 
And my face began to contort
Then I saw my reflection.
Memories of loss 
Due to anger, regret, and missed opportunities 
Cascaded into my mind.
Were these my most precious valuables?
Did I now consider these thoughts so I could make changes?
Or did I recall them to realize that they made me who I am today?
Both or neither!
It didn’t matter.
It was simply the past 
On which I didn’t dwell.
Again enraged, 
I shook myself from my stupor, 
tore the mirror from its place, 
and threw it shattering to the ground.
“So, it was a trick.” I grumbled.
And was just about to curse 
when a glint from box caught the corner of my eye.
Upon closer examination,
Behind where the looking glass once stood,
Was a simple etching that pierced me with a penitent knife.
“I heart Jenny”
My sister who passed away 
When I was the simple age of five.
A beautiful brown haired brown eyed teenager 
With a kind smile and the most incredible soul.
Had it really been over four decades?
Too few memories and too little recollection over the years.
Now, I recalled.
Feelings as much as details.
Love and peace.
I made a commitment to myself.
To never lose sight of that which was most important again.

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

A Perk of a Poetry

Taking the world by storm Is not what one would expect From the birthing of a poem Perhaps it is enough To know that inspiration struck And for a moment You were one with The Creator

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

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“I am my own worst enemy. This, more than any other trait, proves my fundamental humanity.”  Dean Koontz

I know there is something bright above me
I can feel its brilliance 
I want to rise above this earth to join it
I can lift a few inches, but something is holding me back
I try to break free 
I realize 
I am not just being held
I am being grasped, tied, and violently restrained to the point that
I am sinking into the dirt and the mud that surrounds me until all 
I see is black
I feel my mouth and nostrils fill with muck
I threaten to suffocate 
I desperately wish for light, for air and - there it is.  Such Joy!
I am again rising to the light.  Why would 
I want anything else?  But, 
I can only lift a few inches.  Something is holding me back.

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024

Details | Robert Sidwell Poem

Dealing With Storms

Dealing With Storms 

The lightning outside is
Far away and harmless
Like fireworks in the night
I safely watch from home
And chuckle with delight

The lightning outside is
Moving ever closer 
I sense malignance now
Lurking behind thunder
Sweat breaks upon my brow
The lightning outside is
Inside my city’s walls
Flashes bright and blinding 
No longer firecrackers 
It’s jarring and grinding

The lightning outside is
Just outside my front porch
Challenging to ignore
It rocks my foundation 
So, I opened the door

Copyright © Robert Sidwell | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things