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Best Poems Written by Steven Getz

Below are the all-time best Steven Getz poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Mores of Morays

Why would God give moray eels
A life wherein they live concealed
In a beautiful, bountiful, rapturous reef
Merely to cause the nearby fishes grief?
When the moon and stars shine deep at night
Giving profiles to fishes in background light,
The morays watch and wantonly wait
Until their prey cannot escape.

Are morays just spokes in God’s wild wheel?
Do moray’s consciences not guilt feel?
What is their purpose? What is their ploy?
Is it just to consume those they destroy?
Where is their justice? Where is their joy?
What gives morays the right to annoy
Nearby fishes and affect their fates 
While they wantonly lay in wait?

Why would God create such evil creatures
When others’ fates fear their cruel nature?
And why keep morays in ravishing reefs? 
Do these evil eels provide the reefs relief?
Is a mindless moray like an inane man
Who bends people’s mores when he can
To languish their lives and besmirch their souls
Just to achieve his iniquitous goals?

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2024

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When Leaving Morphs to Grieving

Though it is time to say goodbye,
I will abide my heart and try
Not to collapse and maudlin cry,
For there is a burning need that I
Cannot sate which keeps me nigh.

During days you were my warming sun,
And during nights, my glowing moon
Who lit my soul till breaths were done;
Yet death the reaper took you from 
My needy selfish side too soon.

You left behind our memories shared,
And countless times you showed you cared.
Yet, no matter how you thought we fare,
You stood with me with bosom bared
In life’s campaigns we shared and dared. 

Though your soul has left me now,
I will leave a kiss upon your brow,
And say farewell, yet do avow,
To meet you once again somehow
Should an understanding God allow.  

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2024

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No Time to Say Goodbye

She slowly began to slip away, 
Then suddenly she was gone.
At 1:00 am she could not stay
And died hours before dawn. 
She died too fast for me to say, 
“Please stay, don’t move on.”
And other things I never said,
Haunt me and linger on.
Where she went, I cannot follow, 
And no one I know came back.
My rattled mind rings sadly hollow,
And my conscience is on guilt’s rack.
She always knew she had my heart,
Yet she still wanted my soul. 
Maybe I should have given in,
Because life sharing was our goal.
People hide behind life’s walls, 
And rarely venture out.
There upon the ground they fall,
And dwell among their doubts. 
Silently they ask themselves, 
“Why can’t my soul be free?
To live my life and in love delve,
For all the world to see.”
Love comes from the inside out,
It’s not lightning from the blue.
And with love there are always doubts,
But it’s purity we pursue.
I’ve kept these things all bottled up,
Between my fears and doubts.
And these things my life disrupts,
Since I have never let them out.
Her sudden death I now accept,
As her sad, but finite, fate.
And, at love, I’m still inept,
Because my caring is second rate. 
But one thing still besets my mind,
And it makes my conscience cry.
I never bothered to take the time,
To prepare for her goodbye.
I will see what the future brings,
Now that she has passed on.
But I cannot forget the many things
Not said that linger on.

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2024

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My Place for Loneliness

There’s a place I go for loneliness
That no one knows but me.
I go there only when I’m sad
To let my soul run free.

It’s not a place to sulk and hide,
But it sometimes shelters me.
I use it to regain my pride 
And set my passions free. 

It’s not a place that others go
To relax and unwind,
Because this place I cherish so
Is deep inside my mind.

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2023

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Homeward Bound in a Sea of Troubles

As we harness Fate’s wild winds to our lee
While navigating Life’s troublesome sea, 
We become flanked by Scylla and Charybdis
With only our life experience to guide us. 

Yet try we do, and we sail on through,
Life’s rocky straits where others can't save us.
Before muddling on through Atropos swirling brew,
Knowing we’ll lose many close friends around us.

As we sail homeward like the hero Odysseus 
Who plied forward through Life’s trials and mess,
We yearn for gentler and glassier seas,
While trying to remain Life's protagonist. 

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2024

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In the Stillness of the Hours

Deep within the night
In the stillness of the hours 
Her spirit slowly comes to me
Like the fragrance of Spring flowers. 
Silently, she soothes my sorrows 
And I strive to keep her near
So that the bothers of the morrow 
Will not flood my soul with fear.
Throughout the night she comforts me 
As she cures my forlorn heart
With her happiness and passion sweet, 
Before the night departs.
Noiselessly, the night moves on, 
And with the dawn of day,
She strokes my soul one final time 
Then slowly steals away.

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2023

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Lambent Embers

I am in my life’s October,
Where passion plays its role
And when embers of my memory stir, 
Their sparks engulf me whole.
They help me to remember,
And soothe my bereaved soul.

Mellow memories imbue my life.
And I will never let them go. 
Her love embraces me like lambskin gloves.
Oh God! I miss her so…I miss her so.
Why Fate takes ones I love,
I’ll never, never know.

Why did she have to go,
Leaving my soul strafed with strife?
She haunts me so. . . She haunts me so.
Though wounded, I’m still alive.
And, like Orpheus, I’m longing for lost love 
While memory’s embers keep it alive.

She was much more than a wife
When her soul left me behind.
I’m wandering through our former life,
And among its memories, I’m trying to find,
A way forward through my forlorn life 
That can mend my grieving mind.

Then again, maybe she never really left, 
But became the better part of me. 
Maybe she’s soothing my soul, though still bereft, 
And trying to heal my heart for me.  
Take her away, and all that’s left,
Is the shell of a man that others see.

Memories of her, like tender tears, 
Soothe my soul on dour days, 
And when life seems bleak and full of fears, 
She tenderly lifts me above life’s fray. 
And like lambent embers not drowned by tears, 
She stays. . .and stays. . .and stays.  

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2023

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Deus Ex Machina? God from Machine?

Like Job, I’ve known what is right and wrong,
And I try to take the view that is long.
Though I’m not perfect, I do fear God,
(Which, in modern times, does seem odd).
But what is God, I ask you now?
A burning bush? A sacred cow?
Or is God simply an advanced being,
Who seems all-knowing and all-seeing?
If God sees everything everywhere,
Am I important? Does He care?
Or is my lifeline a script I follow 
In His program filled with joys and sorrows?
If so, are all my tribulations
Part of His computer simulations?
Though these thoughts make me weary,
They keep me guessing and God-fearing.

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2023

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Vortex of Thought

Within the gyre of life self-centered,
Spins mental debris long since splintered.
This maelstrom of memories stretches and lengthens
Until a breaking point is reckoned.
Do bad dreams, and sins forgotten,
Lurk in minds long roiled and rotten?
And where is the relief from nocuous nightmares,
Vexing romances, and unanswered prayers? 
When does the circle of life bring closure,
And will it end in full disclosure?
Life is too short for questions long.
And it should not end like a tragic song.

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2023

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The Unkept Grave

At the edge of the old cemetery,
I found an unkept grave.
It was though the person interned there, 
Had a soul no one could save.

Her tombstone contained two dates 
That showed the term of her long life. 
But few remember what she was like 
Before she passed on to the afterlife.

Rumors among the city old folk 
Suggested she always lived alone,
In a mansion down on Mason Road, 
Where only vandals roam.

Some people say she was a spinster, 
Who led a vacuous life,
And the grave’s condition fit her,  
Because her life was full of strife.

And others say she had two children, 
Who grew up and moved away.
Those people did not know why they left,
Only that they did not stay.

So, I went to her ramshackle home, 
Still vacant to this day,
And walked around its exterior, 
But I decided not to stay.

I saw a small blank gravestone in its backyard 
In an advanced stage of decay.
Some people say it marked her miscarriage 
From a lover who did not stay.

Others say it was her pet’s grave,
One she loved so very much. 
They couldn’t remember its name, 
But said it was her emotional crutch.

A few days later, I went to her grave,
And hacked down its overgrowth, 
Then straightened up her tombstone, 
And hoped she’d appreciated both.

But they widened the cemetery road one day, 
And moved her grave somewhere far away.
Nobody came forward to complain.
I found that out the other day.

Some people’s lives are mysteries, 
And many leave no legacy.
And like the dead buried at sea 
They leave only unkept memories.

Copyright © Steven Getz | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things