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Best Poems Written by Di11y Da11y

Below are the all-time best Di11y Da11y poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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"You are welcomed to your room at night, everything is in the same familiar place. It's been long day. Climbing in to your comfy bed. Switching off the light. Nothing bad can happen"
Quote by Poet
Anything can incite the beginning Because the nightmare lurks and skulks and sneers Clock ticks and tocks Don't think about staying awake Everything you do brings it one breath closer Forget the day, this is the night Grabbed by the dark at every blink of your eyelids Have you woken or are you sleeping? Inescapable dreamland Jolt awake Kafkaesque visions flickering into view Leap out of bed, quickly clamber back in Midnight lollops past, unsoothingly Nictitating membrane, can't see shhh! Opaque, shadowy, engulfing shapes dissipate Piecing fragments together Question your surroundings, your sanity Resolve to avoid the thoughts, it's ok Safely drifting off, sliding, succumb to sleep Taken,snatched in! Undulations of rest. and startles. Vanishing strength, leaden weight, sleep Wake up! Xerographical visions print black on black You don't know if your eyes are open or closed Zzzzzap! GOT YOU. Grabbed and held in the NIGHTMARE................... ................................. ........................... ............................. ....................... .............. ...... .... .. . Writing Challenge - 'N' Words - Poetry Contest 22nd March 2023 Sponsored by: Constance La France 1st place

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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The Tempest, Painting by Michael Cheval

You pull me from the depths of forevers of thought
elegantly twirled, though evidently caught
shaped by the vortex, virtuoso of pain
fluctuating truths from half flailing to half slain

   the mirror of water I'd rather not see
   if I peer in I see reflections of me
   contorting with torment unnecessarily
   ashamed that no peace ever sets me free

You hold my gaze, distract me from chaos
thoughts enter like an out of control seance
posture determined, focus enduring
soothed by the constant, sustained reassuring 

   the mirror exists even if out of view
   if I peer away could harmony accrue
   contorting decreases with distraction of you
   ashamed that I'm made up of all that's taboo

Composure of surface, compelling retreat
insight I can change, the demons defeat
held in your arms, a captor intense 
stronger even though you breached my defence 

   the mirror must smash, pieces be washed away
   if I peer beyond self I can change, this I pray
   contorting replaced with stillness display 
   ashamed it may only be maintained for one day

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2024

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midnight insight Anacreontic Verse

midnight beckons
I don't count down
just sit quite still
for fear I'll drown 
inside my eyes
are memories
that's where you live
where life's a breeze
to take me back
I close them tight
I'm there with you
the sun shines bright
with extra thought
your hand's in mine
no distractions
I'm feeling fine
but I have cause
to wake and see
you are not here
I'm not carefree
just set adrift
so all alone
an empty hand
a soul unknown
new year comes in
in through my door
with the cold fact
I'm loved no more

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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Deleted Words Potd

Those words I typed long since deleted
Too much written and over heated
Getting all hazed and overhyped
Long since deleted those words I typed 

Lost and found I was over rated
Involved in things that were ill-fated
Stepped away before I was drowned
I was over rated, lost and found

Temptation still lingers at the edges
Good intentions we make our pledges
Regret love that slipped through our fingers
At the edges temptation still lingers

Just let time pass, see how things go
It all moved fast, let's just take it slow
No matter how long no one will out class
See how things go, just let time pass

Those words I typed long since deleted
I'm sure in time you'll be warmly greeted
All the pain from our hearts now wiped
Long since deleted those words I typed

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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When You Experience a Poem Potw

The world twirls and spins
There's all that axis stuff
It makes sense to some people
I can't tell if I stand still, staring
Or tumble and fall
I see so clearly sometimes
The meaning of life - in an instant
Electricity buzzes
Proximity means something
Then the void of not that
I'll slip into sleep now
Safe in my bed
To ponder the world again tomorrow
For I'm a poet, we do that
Shaping words
To be made sense of by another
And that, in and of itself - is joy
Lived in and occupied joy
It's like, you're at the seaside
Your hand is taken and the poet says
"Run barefoot with me, feel the sand and the sea"
And you feel everything, but it's just a moment
Felt by your whole self
Then you're a sock and shoe wearer
Not at the beach at all
And memories mix with imagination
Just like that axis stuff
It's tricky to understand

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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Lay me down gently, softly sing me to sleep
Whisper sweet nothings for me to keep
Harmonise with me as day turns to night 
Sooth me with words, as imagination takes flight 

I listened today, felt connected to you
Delicate symphonies brought love into view
Coupled through music, auditory bind
Lasting forever, intermingled through time

Hearing allows me to fly wherever they are
Sounds drawing near again even when far
I swoon and falter in invisible embrace
All life's memories, close eyes to chase

Permeating dreams, as sounds float through the air
Snap out of a trance, as I imagine what's there
Sequences of notes decode my memory
Hearing brings back my beloveds to me

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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Realisable and Permissable Dreams

What is this resounding voice I hear
 Don't inconvenience me, is that clear?
Don't ask for things out of reach
Don't walk too late along that beach
The sun will set, you'll be in the dark
I'm disappointed in you from the start

I knew the risks as I walked on
Towards a just out of view setting sun

Just leave and get safely in the car
You should not have walked that far
I'll find a safer beach for your required view
I'll let you know when I've found it for you

The words of wisdom might be right
I was walking onwards in diminishing light
On the drive away the light did disappear 
I'm probably as reckless as I appear

There was a day a few days on 
We rushed out to catch a setting sun
Walked further and with pace
(But with tide info, sunset times, maps all in place)
I crossed the causeway, to deserted land
Watched sea break on rocks, with feet in the sand
Marched to the sight and back again
Shown all I want I can attain

I do silly things, don't consider the time
Abide by inconsistent paradigm
I don't know why I don't just plan
Perhaps I will see if I can
Pass you a list of dreams I hold
You'll grant them to me seven fold
If I just settle and toe the line
I'll be looked after, I'll be just fine

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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"The ocean calms and soothes the soul despite being a great force that ends lives in all weathers, we don't question the ocean. The strength of the ocean is both known and unknown, it's power felt tangibly as we are always drawn in both in mind and body"
Quote by Poet

I am the ocean Some days I am calm Serenity is my mantra Smooth sailing Unhurried I am the ocean There are days of rolling waves Strong winds, salt sprays Driving you forward Destination reached I am the ocean Storms are unavoidable Energy builds and has to be set free The crashing and turbulence There is no choice or judgement I am the ocean Home to mysteries Unexplored in earnest Holding secrets Hidden depths I am the ocean With power and tolerance Unmovable Always moving If I will it, all will be washed away I am the ocean Able to cleanse Or strip you back to bone Wash you to shore Or keep you forever I am the ocean Respected by the wind Joined by the rain Warmed by the sun Met by the land I am the ocean For all time The undulating force of nature That rests and rears I have my reasons
1st Place Writing Challenge - 'O' Words Poetry Contest 24th March 2023 Sponsored by: Constance La France

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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The 12 Things You'D Teach Your Child

With imperfection, introspection 
And a measure of over arching dejection 
Comes insight
So I've noted a truth or two
Do get comfortable and I'll share a few

Say you're dancing, having fun
And some sideline sneerer mocks
Forget them, they matter not
They aren't the one that rocks

Rushing about, making life fit in
Don't forget healthy food or a vitamin
Your body and your brain require
Loving care from the occupier

Another line about confidence
It elevates most factors
Very few people actually excel
We're reeled in by the play actors

 As I aged I took a too late interest
 In the family tree
 Use time wisely, we're all here now
 If you'd like to know ask me

Don't worry about fashion
Absolutely suit yourself
It isn't clones who fascinate
Don't try to be anyone else

Know when to take a breath
Don't react too hastily
It's usually the reaction you regret
I've wished that was my philosophy

Study hard enough to get by
But not so hard you get stressed
Opportunity comes round again
Mistakes can be redressed

Value yourself without compromise
Don't undersell your worth
You are amazing and unique
The most precious you on Earth

Do things that give you pride
No one can take that away
Don't boast about it of course
It's better to slightly downplay

Be kind and honest to others 
When the opportunity appears
We don't know behind the scenes
Your kindness could save tears

Immerse yourself in nature
It really is a treat
Fake grass won't sooth your soul
From underneath your feet

Last of all
Love and be loved my darling girl
It's everything and more
Live well, you're amazing, go, give it a whirl

The 12 Things You'd Teach Your Child Poetry Contest
8th February 2023
Sponsored by: Matt Caliri

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023

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Flower Clouds, Odilon Redon 1903

I find myself here
following the night
       did I plunge to the depths
become reborn -
                 I don't recall

all that is evident
     is that I opened my eyes
to clouds that may be drank in until merry
         and a feast of flowers

there is stillness in the vast expanse 
   then me, a blank canvas - reflective 
sat upon an obsidian ocean 
  that absorbs and becomes 
    an extension of the sky
drinks it in - as I wish I could

I wish to be painted into the sky
or immersed once again into the ocean

          for I am not washed clean
    I bear the taint of darkness 
        though I sail out
            it lingers 
   lurks beneath and beside me 
          clings to the mast
              owns the vessel

maybe I'll look to the heavens
    be phosphorescent from this moment...

onwards is my direction of travel
  there is no upwards 
   I have inhaled gravity
but on the water
I will rise and fall
        and rise again

”wash me clean!”
        I cry over and over
    my tears creating tracks on my face
            view smeared - but still wondrous

                             I am here
                in the colour and stillness
              heavy of heart but unsinking
       knowing new days are on the horizon

Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs