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Who are you?

Grown man? With kinda light blond hair but not yet white nor silver.
Everyone walking by seemed normal but you milder.
Your face was pale like snow.
Why did you stand in my kitchen?
Why did you take the kitchen knive and chopped the vegetables?
Since when do I own a house?
Since when do I have a house with you?
I never liked kids but why in often times in hide and seek against you and kids I played the finder?
Since when do I've gotten time?
Since when have I gotten time with you?
A kid with wide ankles and wrists but small hips just like mine and the same birtmark like me on next to his eyebrow just looked like you?
Since when did I love such a kid that much?
Since when do I love the kid so much just like you?
I always watched out I don't touch boys in a way they could catch feelings.
Since when was I so open?
Since when did I share my touch so openly with someone like you?
Never someone held me tight in my arms and said: ,,Everything's going to be alright. I'm here, I'll help you."
Since when did I not find these sentences clichee?
Since when did I like coming these words out towards me from you?
No one knows my birthday, no one knows my favorite food, no one knows what I've been through.
Since when did I hear: ,,Just because, no one ever gave you something back."
Since when did a dude with blond hair and dunkle blue eyes did that to me?
Code names I loved, but never I've ever told someone I loned for ,,princess" since my dad called me that.
Since when does someone know?
Since when does someone know who I want him to know and call him: ,,my prince"

,,See, delphins love to see you"
I poked him in the face.
He didn't mind, was he used to it?
,,You're not real right?"
He wasn't suprised.
,,Real? Since when is something real? Humans and life in general all what we do is surreal.
I am the other half of you.
I want to heal you.
I want to show you.
I was sent and lead.
I want to learn you.
I want to take you the scare.
I want to take you the shame.
I need to and must.
You will get hurted here several times."
He grabbed my face gently but straight to the point.
He knows I don't like people just talking and not doing.
He knows I don't like grabs on chins.
His kiss, 
It was on my nose, 
Like I would love someone to.
He didn't confuse me at all.
I knew, I won't see him in the dream after this kiss again.
From the way He Held me.
It was too more a secure then love.
A protection then love."

Copyright © Adna Demiri


Book: Shattered Sighs