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You could've have known!

Your voice shrills like a whistle through my ears.
I twitch shocked together.
Why is it always something new for me when you always do it when I confront you?
,,You know nothing! Ofcourse because you don't care!", 
you swing your arms towards me while holding the drug packs in your hand tight.
Your face is unsettled and your hair is with no hairspray made, interesting.
,,Why are you staring at me like that?!"
,,I just-"
,,Always you want to judge judge judge! As if you care! Why do you even do that?!? Who are you?! Are you my dad?! I am immature blau bla bla as if f f.."
Your explosions were already familiar, heh
Good that I don't take it personally though
,,Did I say you are immature?"
Ah, shoot, I also used to talk to my mum like this.
,,Don't discuss with me!", mhm and the finger.
,,Just keep your mouth damn quiet!", you say throwing cigarettes at me.
But I said nothing.
,,Do you now ignore me?!"
Why do you remember me of my mom? My mom wasn't even that bad gosh
My behavior again, ah great timing sam, she's right in the mood.
,,Do you laugh at me?!"
Damn it I am your bestfriend you whore
,,I am just worried about you. 
You use the same microwave, the same TV, the same sofa and the same fridge people used to eat at."
,,You don't need to worry about me, you are not even better"
You look at me with both eyes sarcadtic."
,,As if I were. Just don't buy to many"
,,Your breath stinks, go out"
I held your head.
,,I am not the son of your dad"
,,Your words are so rot"
,,stop touching my head."
,,Stop throwing things at me, witch"
I point at your nose: ,,It's fine"
,,stop behaving like your father used to"
Am I?
,,How do you know?"
,,You told me once"
Is he so indeffirent to me that I forgot?
,,Let me sleep here today"
,,You will. I did a lot for you I have nowhere to sleep."
,,How do you know you won't do anything?"
,,Don't you always just do along?"
,,Yes, but I do try to minimize that"
,,We just have us, don't make a huge deal about it"
,,As if I would think you have a crush about me"
,,You are ugly anyways, you are just kinda the only one, with not these eyes"
,,What eyes?"
,,I don't know they all seem like my old uncles"
You hit me at my arm.
,,Ah, it's kind of true"
,,Right? I hate passing by them even when I drink"
,,hahahaha, I know what you mean"
,,They don't seem alive. They are like rushing it."
,,And we are wasting it, not better."
,,Well hell yeah."
,,come, don't talk to much and give me a cigarette"
,,Thanks for the talk"

Copyright © Adna Demiri


Book: Reflection on the Important Things