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I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
In the depth of the night, when the veil of darkness covers the world like a regal mantle,
In the mysterious silence of the universe, I float through the restless ocean of my thoughts,
Where shadows weave their tales of longing, and among them, I find you, a hidden light.
I love you as the secrets of the night are loved, in the dance of specters and dreams,
In the intimacy where the heart finds its voice only between the whispers of the moon and the song of the stars.
Each of your breaths becomes a verse of a sacred incantation,
A song of falling stars that embrace the infinite with their ephemeral glow,
In the almost palpable silence, I feel each heartbeat of yours, a reverberation of our eternity.
I love you in the hidden recesses of the heart, like a secret whispered only between the shadow of desires and my soul,
Between hidden dreams and the blessed darkness, where magic takes shape.
In the labyrinth of my consciousness, thoughts intertwine like vines on the walls of a sacred fortress,
Each branch a trace of dreams and desires, imbibed in the ghostly light of the moon,
In the invisible constellations of my heart’s sky, I always find you,
Where our love rises from the mystical mystery of shadows and light.
I love you in this mystical sanctuary, between shadow and soul,
Like an old story interwoven in the parchments of time, kept under the key of eternity.
Under the starry sky, each touch becomes a secret ritual,
An ancient incantation spoken in the light of stars, understood only by the mystical shadows,
Hidden between the night’s caresses, our love blooms like the moonflower,
Shimmering in a game of light and dark, on the fine edge between dream and reality.
I love you in secret, as the heart keeps its most precious treasures in a mysterious chest,
Between the moon’s chimes and the enigmatic shadow of the soul.
Each day becomes a tapestry woven from sacred moments,
Linked in a web of whispers and deep emotions that find their echo in silence.
In every corner of my mind, an unspoken desire burns like a sacred fire for you.
I love you in the shadow of great secrets and the invisible embraces of the spirit,
Keeping your essence in the deepest sanctuary of my soul,
Where time stops and only love, pure and eternal, remains.
In an eternal quest, I found refuge in the mysteries of the night,
Where I can love you in the quiet depths, between sacred shadows and heart’s squeezes,
As untold things are loved, between the depth of darkness and the light of the soul.
And thus, in a secret waltz of eternal light and shadows, I tell you,
I love you, between shadow and soul, in that sacred place where only we exist,
A story written with stars and darkness, engraved in the eternity of our united hearts.

Copyright © Dan Enache


Book: Shattered Sighs