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Think of This

Imagine this – if you have the courage: 
scientists just conquered Death, the scourge
and fear of mankind for millennia.
But not everyone’s shouting halleluljah.
Foremost are religionists and lobbyists;
both groups are especially furious by this.
The first because any hope of going to heaven
is now hopeless as bread rising without leaven.
(The wicked of course are insanely jubilant
for with Death gone, what need to repent!?
And it follows that the dreaded fear of Hell
and eternal torment cancels out as well;
and as for those pour souls already there,
imagine the increase of their despair!)
As for all worlwide social industries
associated with death and its amenities,  
its members are predicting catastrophes
unlike anything the world’s economies
have ever seen, and will affect millions
of the working class, notably morticians, 
headstone and coffin makers, grave diggers,
floral specialists and hearse drivers!
Given its said dark predictions, the voice
of many prefer Death the better choice.

Copyright © Maurice Rigoler


Book: Shattered Sighs