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Otherworldly Anomaly

It’s a long journey 
from where I’m from. Light years away. 
And then some. 
Your TV transmissions kept me entertained. 
But the News worried me. Perhaps more than it should have. 
Upon my arrival I integrated with your species 
via DNA infusion, transfusion, or trans mutationally. 
One of those anyway. 
There was supposed to have been two of me 
but my Siamese twin died at childbirth, or sooner. 
I was closer to the placenta, I suppose. 
We were attached bi-fid thumbs. 
We both had 12 toes. One for every month of your year. 
And added together, for every month of ours. 
He’s still with me. I call him my guardian angel. 
Or perhaps, I’m still with him. Who knows? And, who knows what he calls me. 
We both like beer. That much I do know. 
We both like science fiction books and movies. 
And we both share an energy that’s 
Out of this world. 
Sometimes, streetlamps go out when I walk by them. 
And I’ve been shocked by electricity so many times. I’ve lost count. 
I’m an electric Magnant. And I have an enigmatic personality. 
That’s the human DNA in me’s opinion. 
I’m really way more Pan like than human. 
Animals flock to me when I play my bamboo flute. Sometimes, even humans. 
I really stink when I sweat. And I love to dance. 
And when I get angry, which is rare, I feel like I could just explode. 
I fear one day that I just might.  And if I do, 
I hope it will be a glorious explosion! 
Better that than focusing it on Earth’s core. 
I have no idea what I may be capable of . . .  
I’d rather not think about it. I better not . . .  
think about it.  It’s just better not to. 
So sorry about that, tangent. 
On a more positive note . . . 
I love Jesus.  Though His Old Testament Dad 
Never seemed so perfect to me.  Nor compassionate. 
Strangely jealous, and downright not a nice Guy at all. 
Kicking Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden just for eating some fruit.
And not wanting to walk around naked. Though I like walking around naked.
New Testament Dad is perhaps a bit more grown up.
Sending us His Son and all. 
I also like Buddha and his nonthought philosophy.  
Though I have a hard time not thinking, period. 
I like Kishna, for obvious reasons, Him playing flute and all. 
And I love Medicine Women. I’m feeling more shamanistic by the day. 
And my hair is turning grey at about the same pace. 
You’d think by now I’d know my mission? 
But I still don’t. 
I’m certainly not qualified to be anyone’s judge. 
I’m a sinner just like the lot of us. 
And I haven’t experienced Love enough to my satisfaction to say 
that I really know what It is. 
I do know Heaven can wait. And that Hell 
is far too eager to meet me.  It can just wait too! 
What I mean to say
is that there’s still so much more to learn . . .  
                                                                   about you all.

Copyright © Benjamin Bartley


Book: Shattered Sighs