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Worth More Than My Weight In Gold

Worth More Than My Weight In Gold
Wondering around this space in time looking for that someone special just to call mine.  Opening up my heart at every turn, giving freely instead of allowing the option to be earned.  Reacting to every opportunity presented to me, instead of taking the time to understand just what it might be.  The efforts that are exhausted after being hurt and practically destroyed are just as emotional as a child who has discarded a brand new toy.  Having to always take a back seat to whatever else might be more important that I, just biding your time until someone else pass by.
Moving in a constant circle of a tail spin, never going forward only pushing up against the wind.  Oceans of tears are shed night after night, soothing old wounds from another traumatic fight. Riches I might not have, wishes may never come true all I know is that I thought that you were the best of the chosen few.  Each day I pray that the pain will end and that the breath I breathe will be filling and allow me to believe.
The day after day routine of picking myself up and dusting myself off has become a bit mundane, I know that if I don’t continue to do what I do then all my efforts will have been in vain. How can I move forward and forget about you, starting over again making a wiser decision is just what I have to do. Rationalized with myself that I had to move on, had to take up another space, for if I did not it would be like another slap to my face. Every day it gets just a little bit better, becomes a little bit easier to bear; I won’t be looking back now, I don’t need to look for someone else to be my pleaser.
You taught me more than you will ever know, and now my inner strength is about to blow.  Ownership for my actions I will not have to be, going to make those life changing alterations going to just be me.  Under no circumstances will I give another full control of my heart, not going to have someone else walk away when we said we would never part. Reaching my goal is now my focus, no more time for magic tricks or hocuses pocus.
A life lesson has been learned with this relationship of ours, I am no longer under your controlling powers.  I fully am aware of just what I have to offer and to share, for when the right one comes along it will be their heart to bear.  I understand more now about myself than I ever did before, cause I am stronger now, I don’t need sympathy no more.  I have the confidence in myself to hold my head up high, no more steps backwards nor just getting by.  For I am able to stand tall and to be bold, I am blessed to be, Worth MoreThan My Weight In Gold

Copyright © Patricia Ewing


Book: Shattered Sighs