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Best Rude Poems

Below are the all-time best Rude poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of rude poems written by PoetrySoup members

Rude, Drunken Pen
Bloody rude drunken pen has enjoyed a nib of ink or two, reminiscing on a few 
Bad and ugly times, we both admit at times...

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Categories: rude, imagination, me,
Form: Free verse
Rude Hood
Once there was a girl, little hood,

She was a fine mamma, looking good.

Hood decided to take a walk

Didn’t see the wolf watching her like a...

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Categories: rude, funnybaby, baby,
Form: Burlesque
Premium Member Just Desserts
I was at my favorite restaurant and I'd had a lovely meal,
if I finished all my food then a pudding was the deal
I’d relished every...

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Categories: food, funny, humorous, rude,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Contest
(The Contest)

I once knew a gentle poet boy
Pretending to be the real McCoy
   He lost two in a row
   This is...

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© Skat A   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rude, abuse, betrayal, confusion, how
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Bosses Son
you may try to make us feel inferior
strutting around with head held high and mighty
i wonder
is it for our sake
or just to cover up thy...

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Categories: rude, sad,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member JACKPOT - POTD
They chatted for so long
The day was here to meet
She was so excited
Feeling her hearts every beat

He was Scottish and oh so lovely
She thought he...

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© Deb M   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: humorous, rude,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Scent of Kindness
heave bursts from lips can both injure or heal
harsh words strike deep the bayonet’s metal
while kind words stroke soft as a rose petal
floral scent~ gardener’s...

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Categories: heart, rude, spoken word,
Form: Verse
In a Perfect World
An idyllic Saturday evening scene-
on our street, little kids play
‘touch and go’.  Excited shrieks
and laughter warm the chilled February air, 
pavement alive with little...

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© Kp Nunez  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rude, animal, betrayal, children, life,
Form: Prose Poetry
It Reads Like a Rap
Your rhyme reads like a rap they say,
a rap I say,
a rap they say,
perhaps but rap is rhyme you see,
it's rhyme really,
it's rhyme you see,

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© Nick Trim  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rude, hip hop, humor, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Northern Suburbia
Your love is real 
the love you feel.
Your love is great 
the love you make.
Your records are on fire 
its your desire.
Take me out tonight

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Categories: rude, adventure, allusion, anger, art,
Form: Lyric
Crossed Me At the Borderline, Just In Time
-------------------------------------- ~*note: done in fun and aimed at no one~  

try and seed my name you'll concede to shame
no use in calling names to...

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Categories: rude, anti bullying, assonance, baby,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member This Is Wrong, But
Rude people who think only of themselves -
I would like to sit atop mantle shelves
Yes, I know that is wrong
but it's where they belong
when they...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rude,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member If I
If I

Were exactly what you needed…
you would be mine now. 
I would sadly die however, 
as… if that were true? 
I would be in heaven....

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: rude, butterfly, hope, marriage, moving
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Dinner Guest: Me
(After Langston Hughes)

I hadn’t known 
my infertility was their problem;
The adult table contracts
from a toddler’s wide wobble
while over a gavel — I mean, 
a rattle...

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Categories: emotions, longing, rude,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member If You Could Bottle It, It Would Sell - Bawdy Limerick
Mei-Ling was known to kiss and tell
Got worse when she wed Me Hung Well
     With the power of thought

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Categories: funny, humorous, passion, rude,
Form: Limerick

Book: Reflection on the Important Things